02 January 2012

A Commission from Santa

And I'm back.  We've been SO busy framing our house. I'll share details later this week.  I thought I'd kick off the handmade gift parade with a special commission I received from Santa.  Dolly received a cute little Calico Critters raccoon family that her mama had as a child.  This little family needed a home...and Santa asked me to make it.

I originally found this tutorial, and have had it saved for a while.  (Pre-pinterest), which I finally transfered to my board.

The tutorial was a little tricky for me to understand, but after reading through things several times, and also finding Serving Pink Lemonade's version, I was ready to proceed.

My design was based on the lovely illustrations of Virginia Lee Burton from her book The Little House.  One of my all-time favorite stories.  

via The Land of Nod
Here are some more close-ups.

I enlarged the pattern a little to keep the scale the same as the little family.

If you'd like to make your own house this size the measurements were:

  • 3 plastic mesh pieces at 5"x7"
  • 2 plastic mesh pieces at 3 3/4" x 7"
  • 2 house side mesh pieces  5"x"5 with a 3 3/4" rise on the triangle.
  • roof fabrics: 5"x 8", 2 black, 1 ivory, 1 green
  • inner sides: 6"x 8", 1 brown, 1 ivory, 1 green
  • outer house: 17" x 8"
  • house sides: 6"x 5 1/2" with 4 5/8" rise on triangle.

Here are a few more helpful hints that I used to make this little fabric playhouse.

I sewed batting slipcovers for each mesh piece.  The seams were about 1/4", which I then trimmed.

I sewed the inner and outer house pieces together before I appliqued.  (not the side pieces, though.)

Once the inner and outer pieces were put together, I applied interfacing to each.  Then I had a ball creating appliques.  I think the laundry line might be my favorite.  To make mine, I satin stitched the laundry line in grey.  Using the hem of an old sheet, I created three mini sheets that I sewed wrong side up to the line.  I then folded them down and sewed them in place with satin stitched clothespins.

I love that the house looks happy.  Ever applique was first attached with heat n bond lite, and then satin stitched into place.

Here is the kitchen design.  I created it out of felt, and used my sewing to create different areas.  It had to have an apron front sink!

By far the trickiest part was putting the house together. I got everything sewn together and turned right side out only to find out that I'd missed a seam.  I recommend folding the side pieces to the floor of the house with a strong safety pin.

I had so much fun creating this little house.  One word of caution, I think I made the elastic loops that hold the house together too loose.  When the house is closed, the sides bow out a bit more than I'd like.

All in all, I'm tickled with how it came together, and so is Dolly.

Sharing with Freckled LaundryTatertots and Jello, and Bubbly Nature Creations.

18 happy thoughts:

Melissa said... 1

It turned out to be absolutely darling - my favorite touches are the tree and the laundry.

Great work Mom!!

P.S. I can't wait to see the progress on your home!!

Louisa said... 2

What a sweet house! I've been thinking of making one. I love that yours is based on a book. How cool!

Marjorie said... 3

Just perfect! Love everything about it.

Ellieboo said... 4

That is seriously cute - love the tree especially - I have it on my to do list - one day one day.

Maria said... 5

beautiful house! I want one for me! ;)

Tiffany said... 6

Stinking cute! Glad to hear framing is underway.

Christina Marie said... 7

What an amazing job! It is beautiful... :o)

Sarah @ Modern Country Style said... 8

Oh, gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!! I love it and I want to move in right now!!!

Happy New Year!


Erin said... 9

adorable! i am so impressed. i also loved The Little House book. I got it from the library recently and shared it with my kids for the first time!

Relics of Witney said... 10

Hi Chris,

You are so clever! This is utterly adorable. We LOVE this!

Happy New Year!
The Relics Team

Rachel {BubblyNatureCreations.com} said... 11

This is SOOO adorable!!! Love the tree and the clothes line... I bet your little girl loves it!!!

I have a project party every weekend if you want to join here.. http://www.bubblynaturecreations.com/2012/01/vanilla-bean-iced-coffee-and-project.html
Have a great day!

Bless by Tone said... 12

wonderful! Love the look of the house

Tasha said... 13

Oh my word Chris, that is FABULOUS. You make me want a girl. That is just darling. You did a beautiful job. (No surprise there though.)

Carrie said... 14

What a great house! I would love it if you would share it at our Sharing Saturday link party at http://craftymomsshare.blogspot.com/2012/01/sharing-saturday-remake.html. Thank you!

Rachel {BubblyNatureCreations.com} said... 15

Thanks so much for linking up at the party!!! Hope you have a great weekend!!!

Papgena Made It said... 16

I have that project in my to do list for ages! Didn't have the chance to get to it! Yours is adorable! the laundry rope is so fun!! And the entrance of the house just put a smile on my face!

I wish you and your family a fantastic 2012!

Claudia Almandoz Gerbolini said... 17

Sweet Chris!!!! I haven´t been around in a while... but I´m here now and amazed at this little beauty!!!!! Wow!!!! I want to make one for my little G now! Just when I thought I was checking projects off my "To-Do" list faster than ever before... you came along and inspired me!!

Gwen @ Gwenny Penny said... 18

This is amazing, Chris! So adorable. I love that you based it on a book. Great job!

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