30 September 2011

Fabric Pumpkins

Sorry for the prolonged absence...my computer is having issues. Between that and not finding boxes where certain cords were located, I'll just summarize by saying it's been a frustrating week.
I did get something done, however.

Following Tasha's excellent tutorial,

I made some fabric pumpkins.  I just haven't felt like pulling out much of my regular fall decor.  It's hard to dress up such a tiny house without it feeling overwhelming.  These little pumpkins were just right, and are gracing the top shelf on our bookshelves.

I played around with sizes, and had fun using some of my favorite orange fabrics.  Including, Meadowsweet Citrus Meadow Dot, Central Park Carousel in Sunshine, and Heather Bailey's Nicey Jane Pocket Book in Tangerine.

I just used quilting cotton thread instead of crochet cotton.  It made the fabric really take center stage.  I attached the stems using fabric fusion glue.  I just pinned things in place until the glue set up.

This one is my favorite.  I had to make a white pumpkin.

So there you have it...fun little pumpkins to add some spunk to our home.

We're getting close to starting our house.  We're just waiting for final approval from the bank, and then we get building permits and start digging a big hole.  Mr. Pickup and I will be doing a lot of the work ourselves, and I'll be sure to add updates of our progress.  Once everything is final, I'll be sure to share the floor plan and some of the things we're hoping to do.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend.  There are a few things I'm really looking forward to.  First, Sewing 101 for October is tomorrow...stay tuned for a fabulous post from Michele.  Second, it's Mr. Pickup and I's anniversary.  We've survived 12 years together!  Third, this weekend is General Conference for my church.  I'm hoping to hear some wonderful inspirational talks.

Also shared with Modern Country Style's Fall in Love Party.

11 happy thoughts:

Unknown said... 1

Your pumpkins look so sweet in this variety of non-orange fabric. Nice subtle decor option that I'd probably just leave out all year because it's so pretty!

Marjorie said... 2

Very cute!

Gwen @ Gwenny Penny said... 3

So cute, Chris. I love the Meadowsweet dots in particular. Can't wait for Michele's post, and Happy Anniversary! Have a great weekend :)

Amy C said... 4

Chris, These pumpkins turned out adorable. I love that white one. What a fun little project. Happy Anniversary too! I hope you guys get to go do something fun. And I look forward to hearing all about your new house. :) Good Luck with it all.

Unknown said... 5

Super cute! I love the white one too.

Melissa said... 6

They are sweet - I am glad you had the chance to do something creative.

Unknown said... 7

Oh, Chris, they are just so cute. I love your orange fabric choices. It's not often that you come across a good orange pattern. I like the variety of the little white one thrown in.

Amanda Fetters said... 8

so darling! I am seriously decorating-impaired, especially when it comes to holidays. these are just tasty!

Sarah @ Modern Country Style said... 9

I love this, Chris! So cute!!

I've started going to a dress-making course with my 9 year old daughter! We love it!! It's so special to go together! It made me think of you and your daughter!

Thank you so much for linking to Modern Country Style's Fall In Love party.


Tricia said... 10

Very cute! The yellow one is my favorite :)

Anonymous said... 11

Wow I love these so much brilliant xxx

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