07 October 2010

Preserving corn...yum.

Just before we moved, we harvested what was left in our garden.  We had baskets full of corn, more than we could eat at dinner.

Corn is fairly easy to preserve.  Get a pot of water boiling while you pick.  Shuck the corn and remove all the silk you can.  Then add the corn to the boiling water, and leave in for only four minutes. 

My lens got steamed up a bit.

Quickly remove the corn and place in an ice water bath to stop the cooking process.

Once cool, carefully cut the kernels from the cob, being careful to only remove the top 2/3 of the kernel.

Place in freezer bags.  Fill the bags about half-full.  Remove all the air you can, and seal.  Label your bags, and then place in your freezer until you're ready to use it.  I love my flexible cutting board, it also works as a funnel of sorts. 

I'm so glad we had some small part of our garden to bring with us.

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Linking up to:
Creation CornerBe Different Act Normal, and Under the Table and Dreaming.

9 happy thoughts:

elizabeth @ twelvecrafts said... 1

This is the one preserving process I know how to do. You explain it in such a way that makes it seem way simpler. I'm not sure why I think it's so hard. I so wish I knew how to can food too, but I think that's way too complex for me.

Andy said... 2

wow your corn is beautiful!

Melissa said... 3

When I was a kid, I was fascinated by how it would come off the cob in sheets and when Mom was freezing corn, I would be busy sneaking sheets of it to eat. It drove her nuts.

My Dad would always (so eloquently) tell me that I would get the runs. I never did. :)

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said... 4

YUMMY! I really need to do this next year.

Design Esquire said... 5

I love summer corn. What a wonderful way to preserve it!

Letti said... 6

Thanks for the tip. I love corn!

Tasha said... 7

Yum. You are so smart. I just love fresh corn.

dana said... 8

I guess we've all got corn on the brain! I used some of ours last night for dinner. yummmm.

Stephanie Lynn @Under the Table and Dreaming said... 9

Chris - This is a fantastic idea - Thanks for sharing your tips. Thanks so much for linking to The Sunday Showcase. I'll be featuring this today. Stop by and grab a featured button if you like. Hope you have a wonderful week. ~ Stephanie Lynn

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