04 May 2010

Pedicure Kit Tutorial


Here is the second and final installment of my pedicure kit. This bag was a lot of fun to make, and would make a great toiletry kit, too. I made two of these bags, and learned a few things. So, some pictures are with one bag, and some are with the other. I hope that doesn't throw anyone off. :)

1 yard cotton fabric (if you are making your own bias tape, too)
1/2 yard coordinating cotton fabric
1/2 yard cotton batting
7-8" inch zipper
10" piece of 1/4" elastic
two metal snaps
63" of 1.5" wide bias tape
small scrap of fabric 12.5" by 9.5" for inner zipper pocket
plus, scraps of interfacing for the bottom and where the snaps will attach
As always, prewash your fabric.

Cut out your pattern pieces.
From the one yard of fabric, you'll need:
2 bag sides 10.5” by 11.5”
one bottom piece, 2” by 10.5”
one 16” by 10” rectangle for the elastic pocket
2 handles, 12” by 2.5”
63” of 1.5” wide bias tape.

From the 1/2 yard of fabric, you'll need:
2 bag sides 10.5” by 11.5”
one bottom piece, 2” by 10.5”
one 5.5" by 15" rectangle for the tool pocket
3.5" by 36" strip of fabric for the ruffle

From the warm and natural:
2 bag sides 10.5” by 11.5”
one bottom piece, 2” by 10.5”

Last cutting step, round the tops of your bag sides.  I did this by using a round glass as my guide, and then cutting them out together.  This should be repeated with all four side pieces, and the batting pieces too.

Don't forget the 12.5" by 9.5" scrap for the inner zipper pocket.
If you are cutting your own bias tape, I start by cutting a part of my fabric at a 45 degree angle.

Then folding the pieces together so that the cut edge is flush.  
Then with my rotary cutter and ruler, cut the width I need.  For this project, that is 1.5". 
Now, before you put the bag together, sew the bias pieces with a 1/4" seam together at 90 degree angles to make a continuous tape.

Cutting things out and organizing them is the hardest part, I promise!

Assembling the Bag
I found it easiest to put the bag together by doing all the outer pieces, then the inner pieces. So, I'll begin with the outer bag side with the ruffle.
Make your ruffle with the 3"  by 36" fabric strip.  Right sides together, sew the fabric long-wise to make a long tube of fabric.

Turn right side out, and press with seam in the middle.  Now, sew two parallel extra long stitches 1/8" from the middle.  Pull the bobbin threads to gather into a ruffle.
Pin the ruffle in place, and using a zigzag stitch, sew it to the outer side piece.
Now, take the handle pieces (12" by 2.5" strips).
Set the outer pieces and straps aside for now.  Let's play with the inner bag pieces.

One bag side has an elasticized pocket to hold those cute spa slippers.   To make that pocket, you'll make a small casing by ironing the long side of the 16" by 10" rectangle.
Be sure to secure the elastic with a quick stitch on each side.
Now, to place the pocket on the inner bag side, line up the  bottoms together, laying the pocket's wrong side to the bag's right side.  The pocket will be larger than the bag, so make two tucks to even the length out.
Pin everything together, and then sew at 1/8" seam all around.  This will keep the pocket in place, but won't show on the final product.
Set this aside for now.

For the trickier inner bag side.  Really, it's not that hard...but it will look like it was!
To begin the inner zipper pocket, lay your scrap 12.5" by 9.5" fabric on the right side of the inner bag, with the long edge about 1.5" from the top of the inner bag side.
To mark your zipper, mark the center of your bag from the sides, and draw a line parallel to the top.  From that line, measure 1/4" and draw two lines, one on each side.  Now, mark the ends of your zipper, and then draw another line 1/4" beyond that.  Mark diagonal lines from the second line to the zipper ends.  Now, do as I say and not as I do...DON'T CUT ANYTHING YET!  Sew along the outer line of your marks, then cut the opening.
Now you place your zipper by framing it into the opening. 
 Now to finish the inner pocket.
See?  Inner zippers are not that hard...but they sure look great!
Time for the second pocket.  This one is not hard, either.  Take your long 15" by 5.5" fabric, and make a rolled hem at the top and topstitch at 1/8".  All other side seams will be sewn with a 1/8", like with the elastic slipper pocket.
 Using your best and straightest stitch, sew down each pocket, including the other side of the bag.

Now all the components are sewn, it's time to put it all together.
Gather all your outer components.  This includes both outer sides, the batting, the 2" by 10.5" bottom piece, 
Match the batting pieces with their coordinating fabric pieces.

Match one combined side with the bottom, and sew together.  I sewed the seam twice to give it extra strength.  Repeat with the other side.

Same process applies to the inner bag.  Before, you assemble it together, however, apply some interfacing to the inner bag bottom piece.
You will also want to apply some interfacing where the snaps will be attached, approximately 1" down and 2.5" in from the sides.

Once both the inner and outer pieces are sewn to their respective bottom pieces, lay them WRONG sides together. Pin together.

Before you baste the outer and inner edges together, install your snaps.
I put the snaps through the batting, interfacing, and inner fabric.  I made sure I could see all the prongs centered on my mark before I hammered the top in piece in place.  

Pin your straps in place on the outer fabric.  I centered them over my snaps.

Prepare your bias tape by ironing it.
Apply the bias tape by sewing it to the bag.  To make things easy, I fold over the first part of the bias tape, and then sew the tape on the edge following the iron mark.

Sew all the way around the bag, and go beyond the beginning by 1/2".
Now, pin the other side of the bias tape to the outer bag.
You can finish this in two different ways.  I prefer the first way, as it guarantees an almost perfect edge.  I hand sew the bias tape with a baseball stitch.
Finally, I use a decorative stitch over the top of the bias tape with my sewing machine.
It looks like this:

Alternatively, you can carefully stitch the bias tape skipping the hand stitching.
All finished...and what a great job you've done.
Please be sure to share the photos of your creations.  I'd sincerely LOVE to see them!
Don't forget to head on over to SYTYC to vote for your favorite.  This week's theme is teacher's gifts, and there were some fun ideas.  Just click the button on my sidebar and head over to vote.  One vote per person, please.  :)

Featured on Under the Table and Dreaming, Craft Gossip, and One Pretty Thing and TipNut!
Linking up with The Girl Creative, Someday CraftsWomen Who Do It All, Somewhat Simple, and House of Hepworths, and Just a Girl, and Fine Craft Guild.  
You can click on this button to find the companion tutorial:

7 happy thoughts:

Melissa said... 1

found you through Anj- and just had to become a follower!

melissa :)

Lisa said... 2

This is adorable! I love your choice of mixing patterns and the texture from the ruffle. Very cute!

Rachel@oneprettything.com said... 3

That is SO cute, I love it! Yay for fabulous gift ideas! Thanks so much, I'll be linking.

michelle@somedaycrafts said... 4

You are a great sew-er. Love the colors of the bags!

nicoledemana crafts said... 5

this is a great idea for christmas presents I know we are months away but the sooner I start it's less to worry about when the time comes thanks for the tute your bag looks amazing I just hope mine turn out as good as yours ;)

FineArtPainting said... 6

what a girl friend gift. lovely idea and good tutorial. do link it up here: http://www.finecraftguild.com/diy-tutorial-linky-party/ (PR3+) so more people can find you and can share this great tutorial.

[party is open every wednesday (partying on all week) and does require a link back.)

Hope to see you there, as some of the best tutorials can be found on the blog now.


Michelle said... 7

Thank you so much for this tutorial. I used it to make a toiletry kit for my son and I posted photos on my blog.

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