10 April 2010

A Totem Pole

 My eldest was assigned the task by his third grade teacher to create a totem pole, with a figure for each family member. Family members could help make their own figure. So, here are my boy and girl making their figures, and figures for the little ones:

They chose animals for each person, and we found this website for inspiration. Brother chose a lion for himself, a whale for little brother.  Sis chose a dog for herself, and frog for Baby.
I drew and painted mine (bear) and daddy's (eagle) to lessen the load, and give some examples. 
We printed off small thumbnails, and they drew their own pictures with pencil on white cardstock.  After sketching in pencil, they outlined with sharpie pens, and then painted with poster paints.
Later that evening, brother cut each animal out.  Dad helped him assemble the whole thing with a wrapping paper tube, paper tube from the box of aluminum foil, shoe box, and lots of packing tape.  It turned out great, and even survived the trip to school on the bus.
Even Baby wanted to be a part of things...but then decided as I snapped a photo that she changed her mind.

All in all, a fun project.  If I can just convince my eldest that we don't have to do the whole thing the night before! 

2 happy thoughts:

Jen said... 1

I did something similar with my girls after reading about totum poles. Your poles turned out great. I'll have to check out the website you listed for the animals. Also, I'm a follower now. :)
Found you on Delicious Ambiguity.
Creative and Curious Kids!

Lei said... 2

Wow, I love that! Hoping I can incorporate this into my pre-school lesson plans...

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