08 September 2010

Sleeping bag for Iron Man

My youngest boy thinks I can sew anything...which is a little intimidating. He earned a special Iron Man toy for keeping his bed dry for 4 weeks. (Remember, this is the child who turned Toy Story Woody into Iron Man. )  When said toy arrived, my boy said "He needs a pillow, mom." Shoot. How do you make a pillow for an action figure? Then he added, "Iron man needs a sleeping bag, too."  The following is my interpretation of a sleeping bag for Iron Man.  I hope you enjoy. 

If you need to make a sleeping bag for an Iron Man, or other similar action figure, I suggest using fleece.  It is easy to work with, and doesn't fray.  Thankfully I had scraps that were just the right size left from making Baby's stretchy pants.  I cut out a rectangle just taller than Iron Man, and then figured out the width by folding the fabric over making sure it would be easy to move the toy in and out.

I sewed the short sides together, leaving about two inches free at the top.  Then I centered that seam and sewed the bottom closed.  Finally I sewed down the flaps, as you can see in the photo. 

I used my fun pinking shears to make the edges exciting...he is a super hero after all.  
The pillow is just two rectangles sewn together, and stuffed with a little polyfill. 

My son is thrilled, Iron Man is cozy at night, and all is well with the world.

Linking to Someday Crafts, Kojo Designs, Creation Corner, Just A Girl, and Tatertots and Jello.

And Someday Crafts All About Boys.

8 happy thoughts:

Louise said... 1

Isn't great having a skill that the kids appreciate! I'm sure in a few years time my girls will hate to wear anything homemade but in the meantime I'll enjoy the look of joy on their face even if they have no comprehension of the time, energy and frustration (sometimes!) involved in the project!

Patti said... 2

Oh that lucky Iron Man. Action heros must always stay warm at night. Love it.

Amy C said... 3

Oh I love it! What a good mom you are to make that for your sons Iron Man. I love the touch that the pinking shears add.

Caroline @ Artfully Caroline said... 4

Very cool. I think my daughter's doll (Princess Fiona) is going to get one of those - in girly colors. Well after I tackle the 3 or 5 projects that I have already underway.


elizabeth @ twelvecrafts said... 5

You are a fabulous mom! Packing, moving, managing the kids and making a sleeping bag for Iron Man? Yep, you win mom of the year award for sure!

Melissa said... 6

Even Iron Man needs a beauty rest!! Good job Mom!!

Karin van D. said... 7

Oh boy, it's so reassuring to know that iron man sleeps well at night. How would he be able to save the world if he'd not be rested?

Looks very nice!

Michelle @ Sweet Something Design said... 8

How funny! Great job!

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