29 March 2010

Bithday Banner 2.0, and a Tutorial

OK, as a preface, I know there are many tutorials on how to make a fabric banner out there.  I'm not trying to reinvent the wheel, but as I made this particular one for my nieces, I figured out a few tips and tricks.  So I figured I'd share my take on this fun craft.  I use my Modern Letter pattern, which you can find HERE.  I also made a template for the triangles and cupcakes which you can download HERE.   I've since made several more banners.  My Love @ Home variation is HERE, and you can see more tips and tricks for making a more finished banner HERE.

You'll need:

  • Printed templates  Click HERE for the banner template, HERE for my letters.
  • 14 different fabric scraps, two pieces each at least 10" by 8" in size
  • A large scrap of black fabric for the letters
  • Heat n bond lite for both the letters and the cupcake applique
  • Scraps of felt for the cupcake applique, 
  • Matching thread
  • 135" of 2" bias tape folded to 1/2"
  • Your sewing gear, including scissors, and pinking shears if you have them.  Keep a measuring tape handy, too.

Optionally, you can use a bias tape maker to make your own bias tape, and cutting the triangles with a ruler and rotary cutter is really helpful for straight edges. 

To begin, I traced all the letters for "happy birthday" onto the heat n bond lite.  My Modern Letters are handy because they are already backwards, and takes some guesswork out of the process.

Then, cut out and arrange the letters onto your black fabric.

Next, prepare your triangles.

You can finish your triangles two ways.  My first banner was sewn right sides together and turned.  If you don't have pinking shears, this is a great way to go.  Just follow the first stitching line on the template.  You'll want to trim the fabric around the point before your turn your fabric.  Go the extra mile and topstitch them for a finished look.  If you do have pinking shears, sew on the inner-most line, wrong sides together.  Then, pink the edges on the outer line.

Continue with all 14 fabrics.

Now, you can begin your appliques.  I marked a letter placement on the template.  Or, you can measure as shown here:

Now, I topstitch each letter and the cupcake applique.

One important tip:

If you use black thread on the top, and a thread that matches your fabric in the bobbin, the backs of the triangles look more finished.

Once I'm done sewing all the appliques, it is time to assemble the banner.  Another stylistic thing I do, is sew the ends of the bias tape at slant.

Pin this edge together, and you're ready for the next step.

Now, open the bias tape, and start pinning your triangles to the bias tape.

Now, I sew the triangles to the OPEN bias tape with a basting stitch to make sure they are placed properly.

Now, fold over the bias tape, and pin in place.

You're almost done.

Well done.  You've completed a fun fabric birthday banner.  It will bring a lot of joy for years to come.  My children look forward to getting ours out each time a birthday comes around in our family.

Have fun!

As seen on Craft Gossip and One Pretty Thing.
I'm linking up with Today's Creative Blog, and Someday Crafts and Blue Cricket and Creative Jewish Mom and Women Who Do It All and Somewhat Simple and Kojo Designs.

32 happy thoughts:

Shippymolkfred said...

Thanks for the tutorial. I really have to make a banner myself..
Greeting from Scotland

Anonymous said...

Good luck over at SYTYC! It's a whirlwind once you compete! ENJOY IT!!!

CraftCrave said...

Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave.com in the Handcraft category today [29 Mar 03:00pm GMT]. Thanks, Maria

saffiertje said...

Hi Chris,

I love this awesome b'day banner! MAde one myself some time ago in blue and red ( dutchie colors)! These are so much fun to make! Love your result!

Mary Beth @ Live. Laugh. Make Something said...

so adorable and cheerful! I love the cupcake! ...makes me so happy that I stopped by! I hope to see you at my place one day this week when you get a moment. until later...

creativejewishmom.com said...

Great Tutorial! Thanks so much for linking up on Craft Schooling Sunday, hope to see you next week too! All the best, Sara

Chels said...

Fun! Wish I was better at sewing. I just buy the dollar banners. Maybe I'll give it a try.

Jill said...

Very cutr, Love this! I would love for you to come link up over at my blog! I've got prizes :)

Heidi Wilcox said...

Love it!!! I can't wait for Elle's birthday so we can use it. XOXO

Student Entrepreneur said...

This is so cute!!! I need to do one also!!!

Sarah @ A day in the life said...

I've been looking for a tutorial to give me some ideas on making one for my little guy's 1st birthday! Thanks for sharing. I'm now following! ;)

jodimichelle said...

You're so welcome!! I love your banner and thanks for the tutorial :)

Unknown said...

Love this! Our little one turns 2 next month- plenty of time to put one of these together. :)
We have a friday fun finds party- we'd love it if you'd link up!

Kat @ Black Kats Design said...

You were caught being creative and featured on Black Kats Design Fab Friday Favorites. Stop on by and grab a button to show off!

Kat @
Black Kats Design

Anonymous said...

Such a tremendous idea. I must Must make one of these with my beautiful GD's to use for future BD's. Many years ago I found happy birthday fabric and made a table cloth and everyone gets it under their cake on BD celebrations. What a great memory maker for generations to come. thanks for sharing

Annie said...

I love the banner. The cupcake is so cute. We posted a link on our blog today. Thanks for the great idea.

Mrs Poole said...

Hullo! I thought I had nearly finished a banner for my son's 1st birthday but now I found your cute cupcake applique I may have to add it in! Thank you, will link if I get around to bogging it!

chris said...

Mrs. Poole,

Hope it turns out well. I'd love to see what you come up with.

Emily said...

thanks for the great tutorial! i just finished this up last night, and it turned out great. my first sewing project in YEARS! :D

Anonymous said...

Hi - I really liked your tutorial. I linked it to my "banners and garlands" post to link up great projects like yours!

Bonnie @ Hem Me In said...

Thank so much for the tutorial! I just used it to sew up a banner for all the many birthdays in our busy home: http://fishsticksandfries.com/blog/?p=1160

Jennifer said...

I have most of the supplies ready and am (nervously!) ready to start this project... but have a few questions!

(1) The widest bias tape I found came in 3 foot lengths only. Should I just stitch together a bunch of pieces? (2) it seems easier to me to stitch on the letters before sewing the two triangles together-- to avoid having to change the bobbin thread so often. Do you think this would work?

Thanks so much for all your attention to detail and sharing this great project!!

chris said...

@Jennifer Hi! Yes, you can easily sew bias tape together. Dana has a great tutorial for making bias tape HERE. Just scroll towards the end for making your own. If you applique your letters prior to sewing the triangles together, be sure to interface your triangles before your begin. Applique needs some extra weight. You can avoid interfacing when you applique through two pieces of fabric (as shown in my tutorial). You can see more great tips on applique HERE from Sewing 1010 Good luck! I'd love to see how your banner turns out.

Jennifer said...

Thanks so much for your feedback! I will start the project in the morning!

CLJ said...

I love this!! Can't wait to try. Probably a silly question. Why do the letters have to be backward?

chris said...

@CLJThank you! The letters need to be backwards for tracing onto the adhesive because it will end up on the backside of the letters. Otherwise, your letters will be reversed. I hope you make a banner...I'd love to see it!

brigara said...

I followed your tutorial to make a happy birthday banner for my nephew and it came out great! Thank you so much for the detailed instruction. I had some extra fabric so I made a matching table runner with black whimsy stars and swirls. I wish I could have had a tutorial for that... Love your blog.

chris said...

@brigaraThank you so much! I would love to see how it came out! Amy @ Diary of a Quilter has a wonderful table runner tutorial I've used a few times, that I can highly recommend. Here's a link:
Simple Table Runner

brigara said...

I uploaded to flikr with my screen name sylviagirl2. Thanks again!

The Hobbs Family said...

Hi, would you be willing to sale a banner to me? Thanks, Lindsay

chris said...

@The Hobbs FamilyHi Lindsay! I'd be willing to consider it. Please email me at burleyaudio AT gmail DOT com for more info. :)

Anonymous said...

thank you so much for sharing your tutorial. I'm afraid I'm making a poor man's version (no sewing!) as I lack the time and skill to finish it as nicely as yours but the lettering was just the look I wanted and it's coming together nicely for my son's first birthday next week. I'm using scraps of material so it's not costing a penny and freeing up space in my craft drawers, hoorah!

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