A while back, Jessica at Running with Scissors posted a fun triptych landscape painting she made for her mantle.
Here's her version:
via Ballard Designs |
I started with a coat of black acrylic craft paint.
Then I added layers for earth and sky (and yes, I was painting on the bathroom floor.)
I let this dry, and tried to sand through in spots to the black, but it didn't work at all for me. I studied the Ballard art some more, and started over. I used to paint with oils, and the acrylic was an adjustment. I realized that using glazing medium made the acrylic act more like oil, and got to work. My final art work, (after two coats of sealer) look like this:
Rather than sand through to reveal the dark paint, I painted dark edges. Over all I'm pleased with how they turned out. All together, in their proper place:
It completely changed the vibe in our bathroom. I love how it came together. I actually found my old oil paints and brushes at my mom's house a few weeks ago and brought them home. Maybe when the busy summer is over, I might try some more painting.
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22 happy thoughts:
Wow.... incredible! You did a fantastic job... I love them!
These are really beautiful, Chris. You did an amazing job. I'd love to see more of your painting in the future :)
I'm really impressed! You could totally sell those paintings and I'm completely sure you'd fins lots of people interested in them. They're fantastic!
Chris, I think they are beautiful. I am so impressed. It makes me want to try something and honestly I have never tried painting. I don't think it would go as well. You are so talented in so many different areas.
this little triptych is so great Chris. I'm really impressed by your freedom with the brush. wow! well done!
These are really beautiful, I love the sanding through to the black affect, very nice.
Nice job! They are lovely!
This is beautiful and you are very talented! I loved it so much that I featured you on my weekly Tutorial Tuesday-
Be sure to come grab your featured button and link up more great projects to my weekly link party.
Newlyweds on a Budget
Nice work...I am impressed...I've never, ever done any sort of real painting...
you did a nice job! I think paintings are a wonderful addition to a home and your creations are very pretty indeed!
this is SO beautiful! you are so so talented. i wish i could paint like that! the end result is fabulous, and you sure saved a lot of money not getting those ballard originals!!
I'd love for you to link this up to my link party, Your Whims Wednesday! http://mygirlishwhims.blogspot.com/2011/06/your-whims-wednesday-12-and-features.html
oh wow. yours is my favorite of all three versions.
(is there anything you can't do?)
I always wanted to copy a ballard painting. They look great!
they look awesome, I love the orientation of the group on your all...I think I like yours better than mine! Good tip with the glazing medium, I'lll have to try that next time.
Thanks for letting me know about that one!
Wow! You are a talented painter! It turned out great and now I'm feeling like I need to change up the bathroom too! And I can't believe you painted right over the old art! I would've never thought... learn something new everyday!
Somehow this post didn't appear in my reader. This is absolutely amazing!! I love how you persevered. You definitely have a gift in the fine arts. Love this.
I kid you not, I thought yours was the professional inspiration! I love it even more than the Ballard ones!
Every time I see these paintings in Ballard I think of recreating it too...So funny how certain paintings speak to all of us.
Would love if you popped over some time.
Those are beautiful. I like them better than the Ballard ones. What a sense of accomplishment you will have every time you look at them.
My comment got erased - now I have to remember what wonderful words I said - Your paintings are wonderful; I like them better than the Ballard ones. What a sense of accomplishment you will have every time you look at them. (something like that)
@Tracie OBThank you! I currently have them in our rental's family room, and they brighten the room up. I appreciate your kind words.
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How sweet of you to stop by. Kind words are always welcome.