04 April 2011

"Punk"-Inspired Floor Cushions

As the kids get older, the need for more seating has arisen.  I bookmarked Living With Punks Floor Cushion when she first posted the tutorial last year...and even had them cut out before we moved (August 2010).  I finally put them together last week.

We have really enjoyed these pillows!  Perfect to...

The tutorial was easy to follow.  The only change I made was adding topstitching to all the seams.  I know how hard my kids are on things they can sit on, or throw.  So, I wanted a little extra strength.  The yellow pillow is made from yellow denim, the green with Joel Dewberry twill.  I made my own piping out of a teal fabric to tie them together.

I used the stuffing from the pillows that came with our couch.  We never used them, and they ended up stuffed into a closet.  Now the older kids love to sit on them to play a game, and everyone wants them if we have a movie night.  I think I'll need to make a couple more.

Baby agrees, these pillows are fun!

In case you're wondering, the top is based on indietutes' peasant blouse tutorial.  It's actually a muslin that I made, and ended up loving.  Rather than using 1/4" elastic, I tried the elastic thread shirring method for the first time.  There are five rows of stitches around the neckline, and three around the arms.  The fabric is really thin cotton-poly shirting I got for really cheap.  It'll be a perfect summertime top.

Happy Monday!
p.s. Hancock's is having a pattern sale this week, so grab a Portfolio dress pattern if you can.  :)

p.s. #2, The first week of One Month To Win It is up HERE....go vote for your favorite!

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Blue Cricket Design

21 happy thoughts:

Gwen @ Gwenny Penny said... 1

I love these floor cushions, Chris. My girls would adore them. The handles are a great feature. The yellow shirt is adorable, too.

Melissa said... 2

I've seen the floor cushions before and think they look great but they intimidate me!!

The blouse is adorable and you are right - perfect for summer.

Vivienne @ the V Spot said... 3

Those are awesome! Very cute!

Louisa said... 4

I love your pillows! I've been meaning to make some as well. I may just make some this week.

Unknown said... 5

These are great, aren't they? I have seen this tute as well and want to make some sometime. Your idea of re-using the stuffing from your couch cushions is a great idea. I should do that. We have some cushions that we never use as well!

Sarah @ Modern Country Style said... 6

We always need more seating for movie nights. We end up squashed around the tv all sitting on each others laps!! These would be perfect!!


Anne Magee said... 7

Those cushions are cute!!

Christina Marie said... 8

These cushions are great! I want to make some, but bigger, for my kids and their friends to use in the entertainment room downstairs... now I just have to wait for a denim sale!!! :o)

KJ@letsgoflyakite said... 9

Chris, great job on those floor cushions and the peasant top.
They turned out very professional and look like alot of fun.

PS my portfolio pattern arrived.

Kristin said... 10

I think I need to make these too!

Kitty Deschanel said... 11

Thanks for the link! With a blog name like that, it's hard to resist :)

Deborah said... 12

Definately on my list of things to make! Lovely!

Anonymous said... 13

Those are fabulous! Who couldn't use extra seating or pillows. They would be great for pets also.

Anonymous said... 14

I know all about starting projects and taking forever to finish them. Looks like your daughter is thrilled with them though, so that's the important thing!

Kimberlee, The Spunky Diva said... 15

Your little girl is adorable. great photos, and what fun cushions! Visiting from Show and Tell at Blue Cricket.
{$15 Amazon GC Giveaway} 

Andy said... 16

cute cushions! Now if I can find some extra time, I'll make some too!

Life in Rehab said... 17

I would have loved these when the kids were little!

DIYbyDesign said... 18

These are super cute. I will have to make this for my two year old niece and nephew. Too cool. I am your latest follower. I would love for you to come and check out my blog and follow me back at www.diybydesign.blogspot.com. Thanks so much.

Tiffany said... 19

@MelissaI agree, what skill level we talking?

chris said... 20

@TiffanyIf you can sew around a subtle curve, you can do these pillows. If the piping is intimidating, leave it out, and these are super simple. I would definitely recommend edge stitching on the outside seams.

Kalleen at Second Street said... 21

this tutorial has been on my to-do list forever too. I hope I can get to it soon.

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