12 March 2010

Beginning Embroidery Lessons

Big sis is really starting to show an interest in learning to sew. I decided over the weekend that it was time to start. So, I cut some small squares of white cotton fabric, and used pencil to make a simple cross-stitched heart pattern.
I pulled out my old embroidery  hoop, and placed the fabric square inside.

I threaded the needle with some embroidery floss (pink of course!) knotted one end, and then demonstrated how to begin stitching.  I think it took two stitches for her to say, "I can do it!"

She quickly got the hang of things for the most part, and in no time was ready to begin a second heart.  I really enjoyed watching her work.  There were a few frustrations, including knotting the floss around the handles of the embroidery hoop.  Overall, she was thrilled to try sewing.  Next time she wants to try a different design.  Preferably a flower. 
Way to go, sweetheart.  I love your tenacity and your desire to learn.  I also love your freckles. 

We're going to keep making little cross-stitch squares, and eventually incorporate them into a friendship quilt for her Kirsten doll.  I think by the time summer rolls around, she'll be ready to learn simple straight stitches on the sewing machine. 

4 happy thoughts:

Mary @ Giving Up On Perfect said...

How fun! I remember learning to embroider. I didn't stick with sewing, but it's definitely something I'm glad to have learned. And something I plan to teach my daughter!

Sandra said...

Lots of memories of when my mom taught me to embroider when I was young...something I still enjoy doing. Come say hi.

Heidi Wilcox said...

She has so much potential and talent, just like her mom!

Crafty Girls Workshop said...

How adorable! Great to start them young!
P.S. Stopping by from New Friend Friday!

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