31 October 2011

Our Gryffindors for Halloween 2011

Just a quick hello and thanks for all the fun comments on our Halloween projects this year.  My kids are sound asleep, and had a fabulous day today between school and church parties.  We learned, if you actually trick or treat in the country, you find some wonderful treats!

Yesterday the kids designed their jack o lantern...just in time for me to realize my candles are packed and I have no idea where they are!

Today's activities included a costume parade and class parties at school.  Then, we spruced up the costumes for our church party and trunk or treat.  I had to include this photo because Dolly was excited to see Tyger.

A sweet neighbor friend helped me take the kids around to some of her friends.  The kids were showered with more candy, and even a homemade caramel apple for  me.  For review you can see how I made the Gryffindor scarves, Gryffindor patches, Hogwart's robe, and Hedwig costume.

Hooray for Harry, Hermoine, and Ron and the encouragement they've given my kids to read.  Hoping you and your family had a "spooktacular" evening as well.

By the way, Diana at The Girl Creative is having a blog anniversary party, and as part of that I'm giving away a copy of each of my sewing patterns.  Hop on over to enter!

Sharing with Sugar Bee Crafts, and Sew Can Do.


  1. The Gryffindor troup looks great. The scarves put the costumes over the top!

    I love their expressions as they designed the Jack o Lantern too. That's a really great shot!

  2. They look great! Glad you all had a wonderful Halloween!

  3. They look sooooooooooooooooo cute!! Yeah for you guys... :)

  4. I'm also a fan of coordinated group costumes and these turned out so great! I love the little Hedwig, and so impressed by the house badges. What lucky kids to have such a creative mom!

  5. They look fantastic! The whole crew. I love the pensive looks while negotiating jack-o-lantern design :)

  6. Great costumes!! They sure look like they love them too!

  7. oh, i am cracking up over red-headed ron especially!

    we never did get around to carving pumpkins this year...

  8. I envy you!! I hope for my kids to agree to family costumes. Although, my daughter told me at the last minute she wanted to be Belle - I figured she just wanted to be yet another princess. Come to find out her and her Dad had planned it out. Beauty and The Beast :)

  9. I love what you did for costumes this year!! Love love. My life has been so hectic lately I have not been reading blogs as much. As I came on your blog tonight I realized how much I have missed you and all the wonderful things you are always up to. I hope you are doing good friend.


How sweet of you to stop by. Kind words are always welcome.