28 October 2011

Printed Fabric Patch Tutorial

For each Hogwarts student, a patch was affixed to designate the house they belonged to. I wanted to make a patch for my kids' costumes, and the easiest way I figured to do this was using my printer.

If you'd like to make a fabric patch, for your Hogwarts student or any other occasion, here is how I made mine. {Warning, this method is NOT waterproof.  Do not use on something you intend to wash.}

Grab your stuff.  You'll need:

  • Freezer Paper
  • A 8.5" by 11" piece of white fabric
  • White and black thread
  • Interfacing scraps
  • Black felt
  • Ink jet printer
  • Your sewing gear.  Sewing machine, scissors, iron and ironing board, rotary cutter and rulers are very helpful.  

  • Step one.  Locate an image you'd like to use.  I found these Gryffindor Lions at HP Lexicon.  Arrange what you need in a simple program.  I like to use Open Office Draw.

    Step two.  Prepare your fabric for printing.  Cut a piece of freezer paper to 8.5" by 11".  Press it to your fabric so it adheres well.  Trim your fabric to match the freezer paper.

    Step three.  Print your design.  Insert your fabric into your paper tray, making sure it is in the correct direction so the fabric is printed on.  

    Select print on your computer and hold your breath.  When I try this, half the time the fabric gets jammed.  

    Step four.  Sew your patch together.  Place a scrap of interfacing adhesive side down on top of your printed design.  

    Stitch completely around the design.  I tried to stay about 1/8" away from the image.

    Trim the excess fabric and interfacing around your design.  

    Cut a slit in the middle of the interfacing, and then turn your design right side out. Use a pin to gently pull out any tight curves.  

    Now your design has a nice finished edge, and the adhesive side of the interfacing is to the back.  Place the image onto the felt, and press into place.  The adhesive won't hold this together permanently, but will keep it stable and in place while you sew.

    Finally, stitch your image onto the felt.  

    Trim your threads, and your Printed Fabric Patch is ready for use.  Here's another photo showing the progression of making a patch.  

    Nicely sewn into place and ready for Halloween!

    Up next, how to make a fleece Gryffindor scarf.

    Sharing with Tatertots and Jello.

    Featured on Craft Gossip, and One Pretty Thing!

    4 happy thoughts:

    Gwen @ Gwenny Penny said... 1

    It looks great, Chris. Very authentic :) I love that you added this detail to the costumes.

    Melissa said... 2

    They turned out fabulous - the interfacing trick is sweet...

    Sarah @ Modern Country Style said... 3

    That's GREAT, Chris! How you come up with so many fab deas is beyond me!! I really love this - and, of course, an awesome tutorial, natch!!!!!


    Unknown said... 4

    What a great idea for printing patches! I wonder if soaking them in a vinegar solution would make them washable and waterproof? I've read about that somewhere... hmm...

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