02 March 2012

Five things for Friday

Hi everyone.

As per the course lately, my thoughts are a bit scattered but I had a few things I wanted to share for the weekend.

Item number 1.  I love embroidery, and so does Sis.  I made a couple of Sarah Jane samplers as Christmas gifts last fall, and in the evenings when I need to unwind a bit, I've been chugging away on one for me.  I had fun changing the color scheme up a bit, and adding more green and teal.

Here is Sister's latest creation:

I found the design idea by Wild Olive via pinterest, and she transferred, color coded, and stitched completely on her own.

Item number 2.  I just found out my Valentines Charms made the top ten over at Sew Mama Sew's True Love contest, as did  my friend Gwen's Mixed Media Hoop!  Pretty please, would you pop over and vote for your favorites?

Item number 3.  I am ready for the wind to stop already.  We've had some wild weather around here, with at least three storms with sustained winds at 45 mph, and gusts up to 60. I realize this is nothing compared to those who've been hit with tornadoes, but this did not bode well for our roof.  I don't have pictures, but we went over to the house to find the top layer of synthetic felt was flapping like a sail last week, with all the western edges trying to pull up.  

We tried to fix what we could with the two of us, securing the western edge with bits of sheeting.  We called our contractor who came over with his roofing gun and we climbed onto the roof to reattach everything.  It took Mr. Pickup and I laying over the roof ridge, holding down the paper as best we could while our contractor nailed between where we were holding things.  One of those stories in this house building adventure that we won't ever forget.

These pictures were taken a week ago, as we made sure we'd be ready for the next storm.

Yes, he is that awesome.  Oh, the adventures of house building.  Maybe we need more life insurance, too.  

Item number 4.  I am trying to pick out flooring and cabinet finishes...and it is hard!  The cabinet company we can afford has a white paint finish, but it's not bright white.  It's a creamy white.  I like it, and think I'll be painting all the trim to match.  We have a tight budget, can't afford hardwood, so I've been researching laminate floor options.  After two different rounds of sampling, I think we're down to two.  

Here's the differences between the two floors:

Close up of the textures:

The Acacia has wood graining and subtle waves across the board.

The Pecan is smoother, but the waves are more noticeable.  The flooring is from BuildDirect.com.  I have found they have the best prices for high quality laminates, even considering the delivery charge.

I'm thinking we'll keep the painting simple this time.  The colors are Valspar, through our local building supply.  

Any thoughts?

Item number 5.  I really appreciate each of you for reading and commenting and being true friends.  It's been a turbulent year and half for us with moving twice, deciding to build a house, and just making things work.  Having this happy place to visit and be a part of has been such a blessing to me.  As a token of thanks, I wanted to share a couple pretty pictures of this place I call home.  On my drive out to the homesite, I pass this bald eagle's nest nestled in old trees on the bluff just above the Snake River.

And as close as I could photograph without trespassing:

I hope you have a lovely weekend.


  1. I think you should make a tv show about your home-building frolics. Really! I would watch it!!!

    I love the colours you're choosing for paint. It must be hard to choose when you can't see the finished room yet. But I LOVE the way you're heading.


  2. Great pics of the eagles and the "pretend eagles"! Ya'll shouldn't be climbing on roofs like that, it's just scary! Have really enjoyed following your journey and I think it's marvelous that your whole family is involved. Your color choices look great but I would have no idea how to suggest picking colors, etc, without knowing more, so let's just say you're doing a great job!

  3. Hi Chris, just stopping by to say how delightful your blog is. Thanks so much for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris

  4. Wow those were some great pictures of the Eagle, wow oh wow. So amazing. I like the Acacia flooring because of the less waviness. The cream cabinets will look beautiful. The tranquil color is my favorite. Love, love the saying on the embroidery, I can't believe she did that on her own, don't even know if I could do that :) Cracked me up your picture of you laying on the roof, too funny. Yep, better up that life insurance lol

  5. The embroidery looks great (as does your daughter's :) Your stories about the house are always an adventure, huh? Voted for you!

  6. I really like the pecan floor.

    I am super impressed with Sis's embroidery skill - you must be a good teacher and she a patient student. Good job Mom.

    How fun with the eagle's nest. We found one relatively near us but off a major highway recently - I 've been trying to figure out how to get near it.

  7. Did u embroider that top one, KOOL! excellent hobby for your daughter. I used to latch hook, am i showing my age? As for he paint, you are asking Plain Jane I say go light gray and use the room, art, accessories to add the color. But I am a prude. U are in the home stretch!

  8. Your stitchery is lovely Chris; I firmly agree with the sentiment behind it.

    What a great sketch of you laying across the roof of your house. It actually gave me a chuckle (though I'm pretty sure you weren't laughing at the time)! :)

    Cool that you have bald eagles living so close by. That is just amazing! Thanks for the pretty pics.

  9. Ooh. It's going to look so nice! Love the soft paint colors. I'm all for tranquil or bonsai with the cream trim. I adore your embroidery sample. I need to make a sign or something with that quote. Sis continues to seriously impress! She is so awesome. Cracked up at the thought of you on the roof...your picture helped! LOL

  10. Good work, as always! Mr. Pickup should be thankful a big gust didn't come along right then. :) Always an adventure!

  11. hahahaha...I got a chuckle out of the little drawing of your legs dangling over the side of the roof! Thanks for the laugh. I needed it today!


How sweet of you to stop by. Kind words are always welcome.