22 February 2012

It's still progressing...

We're entering a busy phase for our house building adventure.  It's time to rough in all the electrical, plumbing, and HVAC systems.  To prepare, last week we finished up the framing that remained to be done in the basement.  We've also been adding extra blocking as needed to prepare for the rough in of the electrical and plumbing.

The basement has two large bedrooms, and one smaller one.  Here are the two large rooms.

We didn't realize how much space you loose with 8 inches of concrete and then 4 inches of interior wall, when compared with the room just above this one.  To compensate, we added a little nook.

It's just behind the door, and a perfect spot to stick a dresser.  The space was taken out of the future office. It will make a perfect spot for built in bookshelves.  (The office is below on the left.)

The plumber is now installing all the pipes and drains for our water system.  Before he got started, we put in all the electrical boxes for the lighting, so that he knew where we wanted things.  It is really fun to think about how we want to light our home, and plan for the future.

We won't run wire until the plumbing is finished.  The wire placement can be flexible...pipes can't be.  The plumbing ended up being a bit of a challenge.  However, I think the solution our contractor and plumber came up with will work.  As this is our first house with a basement, we were a bit ignorant how everything would come together.  Plus, we're in the country, so instead of a sewer system, we will be on a septic tank which we'll install this spring.  It makes things more complicated.

Once all the rough-in is complete, the house will be inspected, and it will be time for insulation.  We're hoping we might be ready for that step in about a month.


  1. It's really starting to come along! I give you credit for all the decisions you have to make, and all the imagining you have to do to figure out where to put the lights, etc. I'm sure that is really tough to do.

  2. Wow... the rough in stage! Really coming together now... how exciting for you all! Thanks for the mini tour... I love seeing houses under construction.

  3. How strange it must feel to see your future house coming together like this! To see where the nook will be, and the wall partitions! It must feel like magic!


  4. I think that it would be completely overwhelming to try to figure it all out from scratch - it really is fascinating to watch you work through it...

  5. I agree with Melissa. So many details to consider. It must be hard on the brain sometimes thinking about it all!

    I'm loving all the updates you're giving us. Pretty darn neat!

  6. how exciting that things are coming together so well - I hope the weather has been good for you, it looks like it has. I hope everything continues to go smoothly with the roughins.

  7. I bet Bryant had a blast with this part!


How sweet of you to stop by. Kind words are always welcome.