17 February 2012

Just like her mom

I wanted to show you how fun it has been for me to see my mini-me in action.

Big Sis and her third grade class took on a big project.  Mrs. O wanted to have a market day, where the students could apply their knowledge of currency, making change, and even a little marketing in a "real world" experience.
Given the challenge of creating 60-100 items to sell in her own "store", Sis had been busy making felt hair clips since the beginning of January.  I helped her find some ideas through the interwebs, and created a template for her to follow.  From that point on, she was in charge, and she did all her own work.

Here is one of the ideas she worked from:

Big Sis wanted a sewing kit for Christmas.  Inside she found lots of felt, an American Girls Sewing kit (which she also made up and sold at her market), and some of her first sewing tools including scissors, needles, and floss.  All of these supplies and tools were used to create her inventory.

I later gave her the pink box you see pictured above.  I had made the box last spring, and just saved it for the opportune moment.

To make her clips, Sis cut out the felt and paired whatever color combination she wanted, and then secured the centers with floss.  She then hot glued the flowers to metal barrettes which she had covered with ribbon or twill tape.  She was really great at using our low-temp glue gun.

I helped her make card stock cards with her store name on them to secure the clips to for purchase.

I could tell this had been a successful adventure, not when she came home and announced that she sold out of her items, but when she was in a bad mood the following morning.  Upon further questioning I found out she was grumpy because Market Day was over.  Now to find another project for her to work on!


  1. The clips are gorgeous! She did such a wonderful job - you must be so proud. And what a creative and thoughtful teacher to get the kids thinking about these monetary concepts, but also giving them plenty of time to make stuff of their own to sell.

  2. Maybe you should set up a stall for her at a handmade market! It's lovely to hear she enjoyed the project so much, and what a cute product!

  3. I absolutely love the photo of her standing by the ironing board deep in concentration.

  4. How awesome is that! I love her clips and love that she sold out. So cool

  5. This warms my heart, Chris. I think Big Sis should start her own Etsy shop, "Big Sis" or "Just Like Mama" :) and sell her little clippies. I would buy them for my Edyn in heart beat. Would love to support the little handmade work of a child. I imagine she'd be one of the first child entrepreneurs on Etsy. I am just so proud for you that she made all those little clips by herself!


  6. How wonderful, how precious, how creative! Your daughter is a luck girl to have a mom like you to support and nourish her creativity!

  7. How Adorable!!!! she will be writing her own blog soon!, just precious.

  8. Too cute! I hope my daughter loves crafting as much as I do too!

  9. She IS a mini-you isn't she? SO smart! I don't think I'd be organized as all that. Look at all the stuff she made! That's crazy-amazing!

  10. What a great project! She did an amazing job, Chris.


How sweet of you to stop by. Kind words are always welcome.