25 March 2011

Up-cycling with Applique

It's been busy around here. Preparing for company (more on the reason later!), and getting gifts ready to send back with our guests to distribute to others.

I wanted to show you a way to make something new out of something gently used...applique.
First example, this changing pad.

 I LOVED using this PBK diaper changer for Baby. My sister-in-law found it at DownEast Home cheap because it had already been monogrammed. I liked it so much, I made one for her, and even showed you how to knock off your own, HERE.

It's now off to be used by another sister-in-law, this time with a lovely new monogram.  I just used heat n bond lite, and carefully satin stitched the letter to the background, and then the background to the bag.

Second example, a darling blanket.

Also PBK, and also found at DownEast. I made a two sided applique (a little tricky getting the placement just right), because the old stitching still kinda showed through.

I used Traci's Little Monkey as a guide, and had fun playing with colors. The strawberry print is from Sandi Henderson's Meadowsweet line.

I hope that gives you a few ideas. I'm off to finish dinner and await the arrival of our guests!

Linking up to:
Blue Cricket Designs


  1. A great idea with so much potential! I like it!

  2. Wonderful baby gifts post, I love that Meadowsweet fabric, I have some yardage from that line just yearning to be made into something wonderful. Have a great weekend Chris!

  3. Very sweet! It looks great.

  4. I LOVE the little monkey! So sweet. Great ideas, Chris. Enjoy your company!

  5. Amazed by you! What cute gifts.

  6. Sweet - very nice job on both...

  7. Amazing job..huh..closet crafter my foot! :) I've tried this..and failed..no easy task to say the least. You rock! Take care! xx


How sweet of you to stop by. Kind words are always welcome.