13 March 2012


My oldest daughter is nine today.

Nine years ago right now, I was in the beginning of labor, resting in our apartment. Sister's pregnancy had been difficult with preterm labor, bedrest, and even required physical therapy (because she was transverse and liked to kick my vertebrae out of place). She was born in the evening, and we spent the rest of the night getting acquainted with our new daughter.  Here she is with my parents.

I pulled these photos out of our archives when I was preparing to make the photo collage for my parent's birthday party in January.  I couldn't help but share this one of Sister's second birthday.  This was the night we had the open house for the first house we built.

Sis has grown into a capable young lady. She is talented, intelligent, and such a reader. I am really excited that she's caught the bug to create, as I've shown you glimpses of here and here. She's been eager to help us pull wire through the roof trusses, a job I gladly relinquish.

With the crazy schedule this week, we actually celebrated her birthday on Sunday.  Here she is opening up her gifts:

The big apple box was filled with several sewing and craft projects for her to work on.  Some she can do alone, others we'll work on together.  I'll share more about that later this week.

We can't imagine our lives without this amazing girl.  She is strong, kind, and good with a fair amount of sass thrown in for a bit of spice.

Happy birthday, sweet girl!


  1. Happy birthday to your precious daughter.... and happy BIRTHday to you!

  2. Wow - that is a difficult pregnancy - the twins were banging my sister up pretty good too.

    She looks absolutely darling in the pink overalls.

    Happy Birthday to your big girl.

  3. So sweet! Great gift idea, Chris. Happy Birthday to her!

  4. It looks like you had a wonderful day celebrating her birthday, and I bet she loved her gifts! What a joy that the two of you can work on some of the projects together.

  5. She looks so sweet. Birthdays ROCK! And you did a really good job on the cake ;)

  6. What a sweetie, you have a blessed life. Happy Birthday! I love the photos from the archives.

    - PS I do hope progress on the house is continuing smoothly - I think of your efforts often.

  7. Amazing how quickly they grow from precious-in-pink-overalls to pretty-and-strong-with-sass-for-spice. Happy Birthday Birthday Girl!

  8. Happy Birthday!!!! I hope she had a great day!

  9. Happy Birthday! I can't believe you are 9, STOP growing. JK, can't wait to see all the fun stuff you make. You are lucky to have such a talented mom to teach you all kinds of craftyness:)


How sweet of you to stop by. Kind words are always welcome.