01 February 2012

We have a roof.

It took a bit longer than we'd like, but it's official.  We have a roof.

Beginning last Monday afternoon (Jan 23), the roof began to take shape.  It began on the west side of the house, covering up the gable with sheeting and attaching the look out (eave).

This was repeated on the east side, then the back of the house was covered, and the felt (waterproofing) was attached.

Following some improving weather last week, the gables were built on the front of the house, and the roof began to be covered up front.  This took a few days.

Saturday, the roof was finished up, and Monday ( Jan 30) Mr. Pickup attached the felt.  I helped where I could, and when my fear of heights didn't get the best of me.  I hate being on the roof.  I hate climbing ladders, and I hate coming down even more.  The felt we've used this time is a synthetic material, which is more slippery and makes me even more frightened to be on it.  Oh well.  Thankfully the house is now covered and "dried-in".  Today the windows arrive.

We'll finish up the sheeting on the front of the house, wrap it with weather proofing, and then install the windows this weekend. It's finally starting to look like a house!


  1. You guys are seriously amazing!

  2. It's looking so good! (And I'm glad you're off that ladder!)

  3. I hate ladders too. (I was supposed to climb a ladder to the top of a tank once a month in my first job as an engineer and I always asked someone else to do it for me!)

    The house is looking great!

  4. Yeah!! I don't mind getting on a roof too much but getting down is another thing altogether.

  5. I'm with you in spirit. So happy to see your progress on your new home! Carol

  6. Woohoo! I don't like heights either, Chris :)

  7. Omg, YAY you have a roof!!! that is so cool!! i mean i guess you sort of need one! but still, its up and thats so great!!! good luck, i will be following with the progress!

    love K

  8. Hurrrrah!! A roof!

    You are a brave woman if you don't like heights! My husband is the same - but I LOVE them!! I am officially weird!


  9. you've done an amazing work!

  10. Whoa you guys are rocking that roof! Amazing to see it come together like this. It looks great Chris!

  11. Woohoo, it looks like a house. I can't believe the change in weather between the no roof to a roof! Must be so hard to build this time of year. You just never can predict mother nature


How sweet of you to stop by. Kind words are always welcome.