27 January 2012

Glimpses of joy

Thank you for your encouragement as I vented a bit Monday.  I realize how supremely blessed we are to be able to build our own home, and to have so many wonderful cheerleaders.  I decided to write a little essay on the reason why we're working so hard and sacrificing so much to build a home.

Our children are the most important reason why we're building a new home.  A home where they not only can grow up in, but also bring their own families back to visit.

We moved back to this wonderful small town, because this is where our children are happiest.  We tried a bigger city, and the difference in our children in one year is striking.

Little Boy has gained so much confidence, and rocketed from reading a few words to reading whole books. A gentleman in our community noticed Little Boy's spunk, and invited him to participate in a slam dunk contest during half time at a high school basketball game.

Big Brother is having his best school year ever.  He's excelled in his course work, and recently completed his Webelos Badge and received his Arrow of Light award.

He has been a HUGE help with the house.  Whether it's helping to lift a wall, or bring a tool to his dad, and especially the not so fun part of cleaning up every day, he doesn't complain.

Dolly just enjoys every minute.  A couple months ago she discovered this tiny ladybug in the house.

Here she is at the end of a long day.  One of the few times the kitten tolerates Dolly...most of the time her affection is just a tad too exuberant.

Then there is Big Sister.  She has grown into such a capable, talented young lady.  She is in the thick of everything at school, whether it's playing Max in her class's version of the Grinch,

or working on her own embroidery projects for the class market.  She even made this little felt mouse.  It's the award for whichever child is most quiet in church.

I am infinitely blessed by these little people in my life.  They are true sources of joy.  We want to make the best home and world we can for them.  That is why we're working so hard to build a new home.  And it is worth every sacrifice.


  1. Such a sweet picture of your girl and the kitten :)

  2. your children are so sweet and talented, Chris. I'd say you're lucky but I don't think luck has anything to do with it. You guys are great parents and this is your reward: great kids.

  3. With a mother like you, I'm not surprised how wondeful your children are! I'm glad to hear they are thriving.

  4. What a lovely post...really - there are no other words for it.

  5. Beautiful photos. I think it is so wonderful that you have found where you want to be and build a home from scratch. It is so important that children feel a sense of connection to their surroundings and community.
    PS embroidery for a market, wow! she will be starting her own sewing blog soon :)

  6. The best of reasons to build a new home... and you're creating a lot of wonderful memories while you're doing it!

  7. Beautiful, Chris. You all deserve that new home and it's wonderful that big brother has his hand in the build. I think he deserves his own plaque by the front door. :) I can't believe your daughter made that little mouse!. How sweet that she's taking after her mama! Love to you.

  8. Thank you for sharing with us. It is heartwarming to see a family working together towards a common goal. Kudos to you all.

  9. Love love this post Chris. And the kitty with your little girl...makes my heart melt!
    What a good momma you are. Keep your chin up!


  10. Well said, Chris. And they are very lucky to have you :)

  11. Hi lovely girl,

    You are doing SUCH a brilliant job. Your family sound GORGEOUS! That mouse is so cute - what a clever girl you have!


  12. So beautifully said. You are one amazing mother. I am grateful to know you and watch you and your family's wonderful journey.

  13. @bucharooThank you! Life is sweet. It really is.

  14. @The Mother HuddleThanks, Destri. We're getting there. ♥

  15. Oh, I just loved this post. Sitting back and seeing what you really have in front of you is so eye opening. Your children are so talented in their own ways, you are a lucky mom!

  16. By the way, I forgot to add that we moved from a biiiiig town to a little one seven years ago and have never looked back!!


  17. Sweet sweet post. I'm a city girl and there are some things about my area now that I would never give up. Not even sure my kids would make it in the city. But my neighbor once said as parents we mostly want to give our kids a little more and I find it so true. I grew up surrounded by family and it made such a difference in my life, we don't have all our family close so we rely on each other a bit more and I love that too. Our own bond.


How sweet of you to stop by. Kind words are always welcome.