21 November 2011

Making Snowmen out of Snow

Sheesh.  Where did the week go?  I must confess, it's been a rough one for me.  Several problems crept up as the foundation work continued on our house, and then the snow flew Friday.  I may or may not have wept some hot tears.  Our window for good weather has passed.

This is how things looked two weeks ago.  Lovely fall day...floor finally poured for the basement.

It really was an interesting process to watch.  The white trim is a water stop between the footings and the future walls.

We were so excited to see rebar and forms arrive.

Then several days passed, and this is what we were confronted with.  Cold, windy weather, and wall forms slowly put into place...

And then we discovered some problems with the foundation floor that had to be addressed.

Friday, we woke up to this.  Not pictured clearly, the bitterly cold wind that was blowing.

And this.

To top it off, we won't be able to have the help we'd hoped for over Thanksgiving.  There isn't any work we can do yet.  Despite my disappointment, my children relished the snow.  They built snowmen, snowforts, and had an epic snowball fight.  It was a good reminder that there is always a silver lining.  Just as you can make lemonade from lemons, you can make snowmen out of snow.

That is it for my pity party. As this wonderful Thankgiving week is unbelievably here, I promise to count my many blessings and stop complaining. We'll just pray that the usual winter weather will be tempered a bit, especially the wind.


  1. I'd send you warmer weather if I could! Hugs!

  2. Construction is so vulnerable to the elements... and only one little goof up can throw a huge monkey wrench into the works.

    This too shall pass and you'll be in your wonderful new home at some point. Relax and enjoy the long weekend with your DH and those wonderful children!

    Happy Thanksgiving!!!

  3. I'm sorry to hear about the delays. I'll be sending positive thoughts your way!!

  4. Oh Chris, I feel for you. But that is just like children to make us see the BIG picture. I too will be counting my many blessings this week. We get so lost in everyday we forget the little things. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. P.S. That little girl of yours has the sweetest smile.

  5. Snowmen from snow...how frustrating - but God's timing is perfect...

  6. Happy thanksgiving Chris! I am so sorry about the weather, bummer for sure, totally deserves a moment of a pitty party! But you are further ahead today then you were last year :).

  7. I'm so sorry that you were sad, Chris. I can only imagine how stressful this whole process is for you. Just keep thinking about how happy you will be when you get to move into your new home :)


How sweet of you to stop by. Kind words are always welcome.