16 November 2011

Funny neighbors

We live in a small town, very close to lots of farms and agriculture. But we're in town, right? Nevertheless, we had some temporary neighbors I had to show you.

A few weeks ago, the local football coach brought these sheep over to the pasture next door.  They stayed for a few weeks until they ate all the grass they could, and he then moved them to another pasture.  Can I just say sheep are weird?

Our kids found them a bit of a novelty.  There were 10 total, with one really mean ram.  He's the one bleating in the picture below.  He pretty much told the rest where to go and when.  We were warned to leave him alone.  No problems, there.

The sheep hung out a lot in this little shelter, and hardly drank any water.  I guess they got sufficient from the grass they munched on.

It also made me think a bit about how Christ often called Himself the Good Shepherd, and His followers His sheep.  Not sure how I feel about sheep at this point.

I've been getting some extra sewing in, because the foundation work on our house is taking FOREVER.  At least I'll be ready for Christmas.  :)  I've also added a tab at the top of my blog where I'll keep track of all the house building posts.  What have you been up to lately?


  1. Maybe there's one "boss" in every flock?... Pretty cool to get so up close and personal despite the meanie.

    I haven't stitched a thing for Christmas yet, but I'm thinking hard about it. Hopefully the thinking will turn into something real very soon. :)

  2. That was pretty funny! I think I'd like for my fam to get a chance to have sheep neighbors for a week.

  3. My parents raised sheep when I was a child - we had up to two-hundred at one time - your comment about them drinking very little reminds me of some 'wild' sheep my Dad bought from Texas but I won't bore you with the story.

    Sheep are interesting. We had an old Hampshire ram that used to let us ride on his back one day he got sick of it and swiped us off under a railing and then came back for us.

    I like goats a lot more than sheep - goats have tremendous personality.

    However, one thing I do miss is shearing time - I love the smell of sheep wool - I think it is the lanolin because the lanolin cream I used when breast feeding triggered the same memories.

    This spring I hope to go to a local history farm during shearing so I can share the experience with my girls.

    I love these photos - I grew up in small towns and so it looks very homey and familiar to me.

  4. what a wonderful opportunity for your children! That little flock is so adorable, love their features.

  5. How fun for you kids. I actually think it would be kind of fun too, but maybe that is because I live in a big city and love rural areas. Yay for getting some sewing in. Wish I could say the same. My life has been a bit too hectic for my taste, but I am determined to start into a bunch of my projects this weekend next week :) So, happy thoughts to that!

  6. Wow, I would love to have sheep as my neighbors, especially the way they eat the grass. A lot faster than mowing or weeding that is for sure! Loved the pictures, I love rural.

  7. I love those pictures. My kids would be sooo thrilled to have sheep next door.

  8. So fun! My kids would love to have such woolly neighbors :)

  9. How fun is that?!? There are four horses next door to us that the girls can see from our dining room. I'm sure your kids loved every minute of it.


How sweet of you to stop by. Kind words are always welcome.