30 August 2011

A Soft Place to Land

It's official...Mr. Pickup and I own a bit of earth again.  I must say that it feels good.  We'll be building a new home, just down the road from our old house (remember the 3D paper diorama I made of it?)

Let me apologize for the silence here, and through email. The last week or so has been happily busy, and I haven't been on the computer much.  I finally had to give up on my more than full Google Reader.

We've been working with our contractor, the bank, and with a good friend who sold us the land, and that's been taking up a lot of time, too.  School started yesterday, and hopefully I'll figure out a real routine pretty quick.   In the meantime...feast your eyes on what will be the view from our new home.

Isn't it gorgeous?  I have spent most of my life in the Western U.S., and although this looks rather barren, I love our high desert here in Southern Idaho.  I also love watching the seasons here of planting, growth, and harvest.  It is good to live where you remember where your food comes from.
We're only about 200 yards from our old house.  You can see it in the distance here:

Included with our land purchase is this old barn.

Yeah, it's pretty run down.  Don't be too jealous.  We're actually not sure what to do with it yet.  It was once a milking barn.  For now, it's kind of picturesque.  It'll make a great background for photos.  There is so much junk hidden in that June grass, it's a bit frightening.  As you walk through the barn, there is all kinds of things from the last 40 years, from tires to furniture.  If any of it is worth saving, it may get refurbished and end up in the new house!  We hope we can make a bit just on scrap metal.

Along side the barn are a couple of chicken coops...also not in great shape.  I have wanted to keep chickens for a while.  Hopefully we can rehabilitate this coop into usefulness again.

We're beyond excited about the opportunity we have to live here again.  It will be a lot of work to make this spot a place to live, but Mr. Pickup and I love a challenge.  I'll be sure to keep you all updated on our progress.  We're hoping to break ground a month from now...which will also be our twelfth anniversary.

So what have you been up to?  Do tell!


  1. I am so happy for you!!! It looks like a perfect spot to lay down new roots, the view is gorgeous and I can just imagine the fun photoshoots in that old barn!!!

  2. Oh, how exciting... what a lovely location to build a new home!

  3. Chris, that is so exciting!!! It really is gorgeous. Look at all that beautiful land...and you get to look at more beautiful land. What a fabulous place to raise your family.

  4. chris-- oh my goodness- turn that old barn into your sewing cottage! that is what i did. lol it is finished before the house. weeee

    love the land.

  5. your views are AMAZING! and I just read Whosies comment and YES, i second that emotion: the barn would be an awesome workshop! Put dibs on that right now! How exciting for you and your family to have such a lovely soft place to land. Congratulations on finding it, and making it your own!

  6. Oh Chris how exciting! It's just beautiful - and how fun to have old buildings on the land that add character (whether you keep them or not!) My sis-in-law has chickens and just loves them.

  7. Yay!!! That's great news, Chris. So happy for you and your family. Good luck with the entire process. Run down or not, I'm jealous of your barn :)

  8. This is darn good news! I love the land, the barn and the big tree. I second the workshop idea with the chicken coop next to it for company :)

  9. Congratulations! It look beautiful there!


How sweet of you to stop by. Kind words are always welcome.