07 February 2011

Valentines Mini Banner for your Wreath, with free template

I'm not sure if any of you have started banner wreaths, but I thought I'd modify my Valentines Ruffle Banner for my wreath, and share the how-to.

To simplify things, I didn't add ruffles to these hearts, but used the easier method I showed, utilizing your pinking shears.  Let's begin, shall we?

For this project, you'll need:
  • Chosen scraps of Valentines type fabrics
  • Iron-on interfacing
  • Matching thread
  • 1/4" grosgrain ribbon
  • Pinking shears
  • Sewing tools, including scissors, machine, iron and ironing board.
  • The template, which I'm providing HERE.

Step one. Cut out the hearts and interfacing.

With your fabric WRONG SIDES TOGETHER, cut out two hearts at once with the pinking shears.  I used eight hearts for my wreath.  You'll need a coordinating piece of interfacing for each heart.

Step two.  Apply the interfacing to one heart from each pair.

Put each heart pair back together, wrong sides together and press.  Be sure the pinking cuts match up.

Step three.  Sew the hearts together.

Sew around the perimeter of each heart, using a 1/4" seam.

Step four.  Mark and sew the buttonholes.

Using the template provided, mark the location of the buttonholes. It is not my intention to give a tutorial to sew button holes, but I'll refer you to Dana's tutorial if buttonholes are a bit intimidating for you.

Carefully open each buttonhole.

I prefer to do this with my seam ripper.

Step five.  Thread the hearts onto the ribbon, and onto the wreath.

I started with just a few hearts on the ribbon, and then started threading through  my wreath.

There is a front and back side, so I threaded one part of the wreath with hearts, and then looped the ribbon into the opposite side and then added the remainder of the hearts.

Tie off the ribbon to secure in place.  After having the wreath on my door a few days, the hearts shifted more than I'd like.  To remedy the situation, I added a few dots of fabric glue on each side of the heart between the heart and ribbon.

Now the wreath is ready for it's rightful place on the door.

Featured on Craft Gossip and One Pretty Thing!

Sharing with:
Blue Cricket



  1. How cool is that? Absolutely love it... thanks!

  2. Sweet little banner and great tutorial!

  3. Chris, so welcoming! and I love the use of the buttonholes, ingenious use.

  4. A beautiful idea!!!

  5. The button holes are such a nice tough! Lovely, Chris!

  6. SO cute! I ashamedly have NOTHING up for Valentines day!?! I know, pitiful....Hmmmm. There's still time to make your Heart banner! :)

  7. Hi Chris,

    I think you are queen of tutorials. Really! They're always so clear - I devour them!! I love this one. I like the way you've wound the heart bunting round the wreath. It's so pretty.

    I heard a good tip for when you're cut through the centre of the newly-made button hole, which is to put a pin in the far end of the button hole, perpendicular to it, so that the seam ripper can't accidently run away with you and cut through the end of it.

    Works for me!! ;-)


  8. Hey Chris! I love this! I need a valentine's wreath! I better go get some fabric!

  9. This is so cute. I really like it! :) Thanks for leaving me a comment today about my cushions! I am going to browse around your pretty blog now. p.s. I am your newest follower!


  10. I love it, Chris!!! This is so adorable. I still like your mini scallop banners, but this is a fun way to mix it up.


How sweet of you to stop by. Kind words are always welcome.