11 October 2010

Still feels like I'm drowning in boxes...

But, I'm slowly putting our new home together.  I should have realized that if it took me a month to pack up, it's going to take me at least that long to unpack.  There are a few things that have stymied my progress.

First, where do I put everything?  We were so fortunate and blessed to find a lovely home, which is larger than our previous one.  There are some wonderful features...but built in storage is not one of them!  I have NO linen closet upstairs where the bedrooms are.  Improvising is becoming my past-time.

Second, it doesn't match!  Our last home had nickel finishes everywhere with light colored walls and white trim.  This house has darker walls, even darker trim, and bronze hardware.  We needed our bedside lamps, so I had to take this:

Added a little of this:

And now it looks like this:

and this:

(For a true before, you can click HERE.)
Notice the carefully cropped photos.  What you can't see are all the boxes still to be unpacked, although you can see a hint of the chaos in the second photo.  :)

My goal this week is to get my sewing/crafty stuff unpacked, and myself back in the creating business.  I have so many ideas bouncing around in my head, Halloween and Christmas are coming...

Yikes.  One step at a time. 

Thanks to all of you for checking up on me during our move, and for being patient as I got caught up on email and comments. 

I'll also have a new Halloween craft to share with a free printable template coming later this week.

Hugs to all of you.  Thanks to all of you who've stuck around since I started this little happy spot.  Thanks to all the new readers who join in the fun.  I appreciate all of your support.


  1. Moving takes a lot of time...on both ends! You're doing great!!! Give yourself a pat on the back!

  2. what an adorable home Chris! I love the red door. I love that one of your priorities is to get your crafty boxes unpacked. Good for you!

  3. It's a beautiful home and you've done a great job 'improvising'!! Beautiful! Good luck with the rest of the organizing and unpacking!

  4. You're home is gorgeous, Chris! Just remember to take your time (which is so hard to do when your living among boxes). I don't have a linen closet (well I did but needed it for other storage) so I bought roll away Rubbermaid bins that fit beneath the beds and I keep the sheets, etc. for that bed in its own bin underneath. I have some (not-as-pretty) towels in my linen/everything else closet that and seven big, white, fluffy PB towels are rolled in a basket in the bathroom. Also, I have two open console? sinks (basically sinks with a built in open shelf below) and I keep two sets of towels, hand towels, and wash cloths there...they serve a decorative purpose, too. Improvising is the name of the game especially when my house is about half the size of yours! Good luck with decorating. I'm sure it will be beautiful. Let me know if I can be of any help in that department.

    Hugs to you,

  5. You know what they say? Rome wasn't built in a day. It will all come together in it's due time. Just do what you can when you can.

  6. Your home is so beautiful. No guilt about it taking time to unpack. I have lived in our house for over a year now and I am unpacked (finally)...or mostly...but decorating...we are definitely still working on that one. Way to take the things you have and make them work so beautifully. Hang in there.

  7. I. Love. Spray paint.

    I could kiss the person who invented ORB in a can :)

  8. I can't wait to see a tour when you've got yourself settled in. The outside is lovely.

  9. Love your new home. It has great curb appeal. You've gotten a great start!

  10. I never get fully unpacked before I move again. I still have stuff boxed up from our first house 8 yrs ago! I hope you are liking your new place, your new neighbors and everything new. I hope you will be happy here!!!
    Can't wait to get to know you and your family better.


How sweet of you to stop by. Kind words are always welcome.