09 August 2010

Why I need a serger

Sew Mama Sew is having a spectacular giveaway.  A Husqvarna Viking Serger is on the line.  The question is...how would a serger make my life better?

Let me count the ways:
1.  Finishing seams would be MUCH faster.
2.  I would finally feel brave enough to try my hand at knits...t-shirts, leggings, maybe even swimsuits like Dana. 
3.  With cool features like differential feed and optional presser feet, I can sew a variety of fabrics and add interesting decorative details.
4.  Two words:  Rolled Hems.
5.  I'd be able to make my etsy shop more profitable.  Time=money.
6.  I can stop lurking around ebay for a used serger.  I watch them, but really, I'm too chicken to purchase something that expensive without a warranty and customer support. 
7.  I'd have a real excuse to carve out my own sewing space...and to buy a bigger house next time!
8.  I won't have to borrow my friend's serger to customize my baby's prefold diapers.
9.  I would be brave enough to make my kids underwear like Anna.  (It bothers me to no end how expensive it is to buy underpants! Come on, it's just a little bit of fabric!)
10. Complete sewing freedom would be at my fingers, and I wouldn't have to work my beloved Bernina as hard. 

I probably won't win, but someday in the distant future, I will have a serger.  I will. I WILL.  Until then, the two year old part of me that wants instant gratification will look like this:


  1. I have no idea what a serger is and I'm a really terrible sewer and yet I read through your whole post and thought 'I could really use one of those myself'. And that's what I love about blogging!

    Hope you win!!

  2. my excuse for wanting a surger-BECAUSEI JUST WANT ONE!
    not that i can get one right now, but that is the only reason. just want one.

  3. I finally got one (a Huskylock) about a year ago, and I do love it. If you do win it, take a class. It will make life so much easier. This was totally a want rather than a need for me, but it's gotten a lot of use!

  4. I just got a serger at a garage sale and I love it but now I want to try more stuff I'm just nervous how to use it!

  5. If I had a serger, it would keep my life, not to mention my clothes from becoming "unraveled." ;)


How sweet of you to stop by. Kind words are always welcome.