10 August 2010

Guys need toiletry items too.

Several weeks back, I got an email from a sweet lady who used my pedicure kit tutorial to make her son a toiletry kit for scout camp. 

Michelle used old BDU fabric from her husband's uniforms to make an uber-cool toiletry kit.  I was completely smitten.  I'll have to remember this one when my big boy heads to scout camp in a few more years. 

I was so excited she used my tutorial, and even more impressed that she made the whole thing with supplies she had on hand.

Then, I checked her blog again...and she's made MORE.  Check it out:

The hot pink bias tape and handles are my favorite!
(All images via Rosetta Stone.)

1 comment:

  1. Those are really great! Thanks for stopping by my blog and for your kind words.


How sweet of you to stop by. Kind words are always welcome.