24 July 2010


My baby turned two yesterday.  It's a little prosaic to say, but the last two years have literally flown by.  To celebrate, we hung up the birthday banner, made cake pops ( more details to follow in that later), and she opened her gift:

A Molly Monkey for our Monkey. We call her that all the time.  She climbs on everything, she escapes from the house and yard (and scares her mom to pieces)...but she also gives the best hugs as she clings to your neck. She loves books and can identify letters already.  She loves her babies and softies.  She is the light of our family and I'm so grateful she is ours.  Despite her mischievousness, she has a sunny disposition.  She skips and hops when she's happy, and just discovered jumping.  She definitely prefers to be home, but is finally discovering there are other fun places to be, like Granny's house.  We're so grateful for our darling girl.


  1. Love this post! I made both my girls Molly Monkeys for my second craft till Christmas. I can't wait for my peanut and my monkey (we call our 2 year old that too) to open their two monkeys. Your Molly is so cute! Happy birthday to your little monkey

  2. time sure does fly. I can't believe my eldest was 17 on thursday and I still feel 17 myself sometimes!

    Sounds like you had a fun time though :)


  3. absolutely so sweet. happy happy birthday! i adore that little doll and the birthday banner too. so glad it was a lovely day. xo.

  4. She is such a cutie! Happy Birthday!!! The Molly Monkey turned out so cute! I agree the time goes WAY too fast!

  5. Love the bow on her head, I made the beret and it doesn't stay on right. That's a great idea!


How sweet of you to stop by. Kind words are always welcome.