20 April 2012

Black Apple Doll

Yesterday my younger son came home from kindergarten and announced he needed to give a gift to his friend.  A friend that's a girl who had birthday this week.

As this was such a rare request from my son, I thought it might be best to comply with such noble desires.

I asked him what he wanted to do, and he replied he wanted to make her a doll.   I got over my shock, and started thinking of something simple we could work on together quickly.  I remembered Cheryl's darling post a month or so ago of some dolls she made for her daughter.  I showed Little Boy the dolls, and he agreed it would work.  I downloaded the pattern from Martha, and enlarged it to 125%, and then added a 1/4" seam allowance around the arms and legs.

Little Boy chose the fabric from my stash, helped me to stuff the limbs, and stuffed the body all by himself.

I was going to paint the face, then remembered we had these fun markers from when the kids decorated their Christmas pajamas.  Little Boy colored the cheeks all by himself.

Now she's ready to be wrapped and delivered to one lucky girl.

Hoping you have a wonderful weekend.  We're off to finish up some projects on the outside of the house while the drywall contractors finish up the texture and taping of the upstairs.


  1. this is such an adorable little dolly, and how sweet is it that Little Boy helped! I'll be making one of these very soon. thanks for sharing yours.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Such a cute doll!!! I made one last year and had a hard time enlarging so I scanned and enlarged and put on my website Thehandmadehomemaker.blogspot.com :)

  3. What a sweet boy.... and what a lovely doll the two of you made!

  4. Wow - so terribly, terribly sweet - melts a mama's heart.

  5. Aw, what a sweetheart. I so love when boys show their caring, sensitive sides. And the doll turned out adorable.

  6. Everytime I see one of these dolls, I think I must make one!!! What an adorable post, I love the use of fabric markers too. Your son is precious!!! I hope he had fun at the party.

  7. What a sweet little doll!

  8. Adorable doll and what a cute little boy you've got there! :)

  9. what a great mom you are to make something for a little crush. I'm sure his little friend will love it!

  10. What a lucky little girl and an adorable boy for wanting to make her a doll. You are a fabulous mom!

  11. How adorable! I love black apple dolls, now I have the urge to make another!

  12. that is such a cute doll you guys made!

  13. That is so precious! I hope your son keeps that generous attitude his whole life... :o)


How sweet of you to stop by. Kind words are always welcome.