22 March 2012

Tiny Toes

Since I discovered craft blogs a few years ago, there have always been a few tutorials out there I have wanted to try. This is one of the them...Bitty Booties by Heather Bailey.

When I found out a friend was having a little girl, I wanted to do something special, and something that didn't require me to sit for hours at my sewing machine.  The Bitty Booties seemed like a perfect thing to try.

Since this mama loves leather boots, I chose a soft brown wool blend felt.  Then I made the tiniest yo yos that I've ever tried.  A spool of thread was my template.

I hand appliqued the yo yos into a flower pattern and added a felt leaf with some additional embroidery.

I stitched a blanket stitch around the opening, too.  Then I decided to be insane and add a flannel lining.

I thought they would be softer and warmer with a lining, and I loved the candy pink color.  These were not as easy to sew up, but I loved the results.

I hope the wee girlie (and her mama) love them too.


  1. These are completely gorgeous, Chris - and the photos don't do justice to how awesome your handiwork is!!

    They have been very much admired by everyone I've showed them to!!



  2. Adorable! Definite keepers for framing later, if you even allow baby to wear!

  3. They are absolutely darling - I bet the lining was a hassle!!

  4. So adorable, Chris! The yo-yos are so flipping cute! Great job :)

  5. They`re sooo lovely! I wish I had the patience to make them...

  6. Wow, beyond cute! Nice work. They'll love them.

  7. OOOOOOH the cuteness of it all!

  8. ADORABLE!! Seriously. And those tiny yo yos...LOVE.

  9. Sooo cute. I made these too! Mine were orange with polka dots : )


How sweet of you to stop by. Kind words are always welcome.