13 January 2012


Eleven years and one week ago, I became a mother to a tiny little boy who looked just like his daddy.  It was love at first sight, all over again.

Time has passed so quickly.  This kid's hand and feet are almost the same size as mine, and we'll soon be looking eye to eye, even when we don't agree.
To celebrate this great occasion, we kept things simple this year.  I couldn't find my round cake pans, and so I used three bread loaf pans and came up with a lego brick design for his birthday cake.  He requested white cake and white frosting.  I made some chocolate sour cream frosting for a filling...to balance out all that vanilla!

Ready to go with grey sugar sprinkles:

After his requested dinner, inside-out meatloaf, we opened gifts and had cake and ice cream.

He received new basketball shoes, a scout shirt and book, and even an amazon.com gift certificate!

He'll begin his career as a boy scout now.  :)

The magical moment of making a wish...

Happy birthday, my son.  You are a wonderful big brother.  You are our dependable help with any outside chore, and especially with building the house.  I love that you've caught the reading bug and are gobbling up the Harry Potter series.  Fifth grade has been your best yet, and I love to see you enjoy school so much this year.

Here he is a year ago:


  1. Happy birthday to your beloved son... and happy BIRTH-day to you!

  2. I love the excitement on the littlies faces waiting for big brother to open his presents. Too cute!

  3. Love the wish making shot...

  4. what a beautiful, moving, and loving post. I see a little of you in that smile of his! Best wishes to you all on this special occasion. Eleven is really growing up.

  5. Happy Birthday to your growing boy! The years pass so quickly. Mine are 3 and 5, but I feel like they were just babies. :-)

  6. Happy belated birthday young man! Crazy how quickly time flies! You'll be taller than your mom in a wink of the eye...

  7. Love this post, Chris. Very sweet. I love the cake request. What a cutie :)


How sweet of you to stop by. Kind words are always welcome.