22 December 2011

The Joy of Giving

As I've done previously, I help my kids make Christmas gifts for each other.  I want them to enjoy the idea of doing something for someone else...even if it's just a simple idea.  This year, we made personal toothbrush holders.

I was inspired by this darling washcloth toothbrush holder from Train to Crazy.

The trick was adapting the idea to make four individual gifts.  Instead of using two washcloths (I only picked up four at the dollar store), we made a little pocket from fabric the kids picked out of my stash.  The girls worked on things for their brothers, and vice versa.

I try to let my kids do as much as they can on their own.  I'm right there with them, though.

We used left over bias tape for the ties.  I always make extra.  Sew to about 2/3 of the washcloth.

We made the pockets 11x7", with a simple rolled hem at the top.  Pin the wrong side of the pocket to the back of the washcloth (where the tie is) and stitch at 1/4" or so.

Turn right side out and add your pocket dividers.  Simple!

After the holders were made, the pairs took turns wrapping their creations.

This year, with the house, holiday travel etc.  I'm taking a week off from blogging.  I won't stay away too long...I am excited to show you what I've made, including a new adaptation for the Love Where You Live ornament.

If you want to know some of my feelings about Christmas, I'll refer you to this post from last year.
Wishing you and your families a wonderful Christmas!

With love,
The Pickup Family

Sharing with Creation Corner.


  1. What a great idea, this will be perfect for traveling!

  2. Darling gift idea and I love seeing your kids at work on the gifts.

    Fun shot with Santa too.

    Have a very Merry Christmas and stay safe on the roads.


  3. I love how you used the pretty fabric to make each unique and fun for each kid. Great kid-made gift idea!

    I hope you guys all have a safe and happy Christmas. I'll be taking a bloggy break as well. We deserve a nice hiatus, man!

    I'll catch up with you again in the New Year!

    Hugs, M

  4. What a cute and easy project.

  5. I remember your posts from last year about sibling gifts, they have really stood out on my mind as one of the best posts I had read about bringing the true meaning of Christmas into a young family. Lovely photos of your son pressing and the toothbrush carrier are perfect for children - especially for going on an overnight visit.

  6. I love that you help your children make gifts for each other. Such a great idea. I just started teaching one of my boys to sew and I have been loving it. There is just something special about a homemade present.

    Merry Christmas my friend! I love all the fun updates on your house!!! So exciting

  7. So cute! Merry Christmas to you and yours! Wishing you a wonderful holiday season!

  8. I love this! Easy to make and perfect for travel or sleepovers. Or to store spares at work or elsewhere ;)


How sweet of you to stop by. Kind words are always welcome.