15 December 2011

Framing has begun

We've begun framing the basement.  It has been a difficult endeavor because we've not framed a basement previously.  There's been a rather steep learning curve.  After this, framing the main floor should be a piece of cake!
My sweet brothers came to help last weekend, and we tried to get as much as we could done with extra help.  It was so fun to have my sibs there.  We don't get to hang out much together, and it was great to have their support and muscles.

I also have to give a huge thank you to my sister-in-law who took care of her little girls and my little ones while we worked.  She did crafts and made cookies...she was awesome.

I love this picture my brother took.  Towards the end of the day, we were all pretty tired.

As always, Mr. Pickup is the major builder here.  He is amazing.  And patient.

Even from ground level, I never get tired of this view.  Or of my husband.  :)


  1. I am enjoying watching this homebuilding adventure.

  2. So exciting!!! Is it going to be a three story house?

  3. Oh Chris, how exciting! Love that the family came and helped. I bet the kids are asking when they are coming back since your sister was such a fun babysitter :) I love the view, so pretty!

  4. Yay, we were so glad to help! And now I've seen all the work you've been doing, it looks amazing:) Let us know if there is another time you want some help.


How sweet of you to stop by. Kind words are always welcome.