02 December 2011

The cement was poured...now what?

Well, the business of house building has officially set in.  I am sore and tired, and we still don't even have the lumber yet!

The foundation walls were finally poured last Tuesday, and with Thanksgiving last week, the forms were not removed until Monday.  Being of the DIY sort, and building our house as inexpensively as possible means we're doing most of the work ourselves.  Case in point, adding water resistant emulsion to the foundation.
In order to paint the foundation, we first removed the metal tie rings that were still attached to the walls.  Then, I swept the footings clean.  Next, the hard work of applying the emulsion began.  What exactly is in the emulsion, I'm not sure.  It is a sticky tar-like substance, applied to the concrete with brushes and rollers.  Monday Mr. Pickup and I applied emulsion to the back and east walls, but were unable to finish because there were still forms in the way.  Tuesday, I returned, and finished applying all that black stuff...by myself.

Total time:  2.5 hours Monday, 4.5 hours Tuesday.  Be warned.  Do not wear anything you want to wear again.  This stuff does not come off clothing, or even skin very well.

I even got splatters on my face, hair, and glasses.  Hazards of the job, I guess.  Here I am in my "Harry Potter" glasses, as Dolly calls them.  After I took this photo, I picked up some help since school was out.

I'm happy to report with Big Sister's help we got the job done.  We start framing this weekend.  Woot!


  1. First, you look darling in your glasses!!

    Congratulations - if it is that sticky it must be similar to sealing an asphalt driveway and I get the mess part - nasty stuff.

    Building a house = a great workout plan! :)

  2. Yay for things moving along! Putting that black stuff on, doesn't sound like too much fun, I bet you are glad it's done! Good luck on the framing!

  3. Talk about a labor of love... may your new home not only be built with love but filled with it as well!

    P.S. You look very pleased in your Harry Potter glasses photo!


  4. I think it is so great that you are doing what you can yourselves. The foundation looks great, I hope the weather holds up for the framing - the photos look bright and sunny.

  5. Oh my gosh you are brave! That was a messy job, but hey you can now put that on a job resume lol. How exciting the framing is next! Then t will feel like progress.

  6. That's a great shot of you! Love it! If I lived close by I would have come to help you...

    It looks like you guys are making progress (You have a foundation!!!!!!!) How very exciting Chris! :)

  7. Wowzers. How the heck do you stay warm? Let me also say, I'm thinking about how many calories you are burning, nice bonus, eh? Burning cals, always in the back of my mind.

  8. Yay! I've been thinking about you and hoping that everything is on track. Glad to hear there is progress :)


How sweet of you to stop by. Kind words are always welcome.