12 September 2011

How to Write a Tutorial

My sweet friend Sarah over at Modern Country Style asked me to write a tutorial on how to write a tutorial...a bit daunting, yes?  She's featuring my post over on her blog today.  Hop on over and check it out.

It took me a while to put my thoughts to html so to speak, so I'd love to know what you think.

For all you other fabulous bloggers out there, what are your best tips on writing up a tutorial?  Do you have a favorite one you want to tell me about?  Do tell!  What inspires you to write a tutorial?

I'm getting ready to pull out my fall decorations...here's a quick preview.  :)


  1. And you did *such* a great job, Chris. YOu have a really amazing gift for teaching- and that includes putting together fab tutorials! I'm really grateful to you for putting such a great post together for me. Thank you!!


  2. She's picked one of the best! I will head over there now and wow, I can't wait to see your finished block.

  3. Popping over from Sarah's. Great tips! Your newest follower, Laura

  4. Hello from Meridian, MS via Modern Country! Great post, I picked up some great tips...makes me want to go fix my few tutorials/lists. :) Here's to being bettered!

  5. Great guest post, Chris. I think you did a wonderful job.


How sweet of you to stop by. Kind words are always welcome.