12 August 2011

Making do

We're getting settled into our rental home.  I thought I'd show you around a bit, get the lay of the land.  The house was built in approximately 1918.  It was brought to this site at a later date, and the addition on the back added a SMALL bedroom and bathroom.  In the mid 20th century, the basement was dug out by hand.  So glad I missed out on that one!

I never tire of the views around here. I love seeing these ripe fields of grain. You can even see the Sawtooth mountains faintly in this photo I took at twilight.

The upper story has "two" bedrooms (with no door!) where we sleep on one end and the boys sleep on the other.  The patio is nice in the evenings.

Walking in the old, chippy front door, you can enter the kitchen on the right, or living space on the left.

That's right...no dishwasher.  Very little counter space.

I miss our deluxe refrigerator a lot.  Without a place to put our kitchen table, the little ones eat here.  Our table is set up in the basement, my temporary sewing base of operations.

We do have our awesome kitchen range and laundry pair...mixing old and new.

Here's the living room as you come in the front door:

The girls are sleeping in the room just beyond.

We've hung a few pictures to help things feel like "home."

And to round out the tour of downstairs, the only bathroom...accessible only through the girl's bedroom.

Just to sum up...six family members, two sleeping spaces, one bathroom, and just enough room to take care of everyone.  But, on the bright side, we have a lovely tire swing to play on!  Wishing you a wonderful weekend!


  1. Wow. Interesting bathroom positioning...

    It all reminds me of my childhood home in terms of what you have to make do with. We were 13 people using 1 washroom (that grew to 2 bathrooms after I left home) and 4 bedrooms. We eventually got a dishwasher too but my fondest memories growing up are of us kids doing the dishes every night and singing together in harmony in the kitchen.

    You'll make memories in your new rental home too. And I bet the stories that you'll retain from this house will be unforgettable! That tire swing sounds like a blast!

  2. wow! a far cry fro the house you were living in, huh? good thing it's temporary! You have still managed to make it nice + cozy and I am sure your family appreciates it!

  3. What a wonderful space. I am so glad you shared it with us. My home was built in 1912 with many of the same features, but unfortunately not your glorious views.

  4. Oh it is so lovely! I know it isn't everything you are used to, but it is clean, functional and very cozy. Weird though how they have the only bathroom through a bedroom. The yard and view are beautiful and seem so peaceful, I know a lot of memories will be made in your new place you call home.

  5. That bathroom placement might drive me nuts, but other than that it looks like a very sweet little house!

  6. Chris, I once lived 6-8 weeks in a one bedroom long term hotel with 3 kids. So I feel u. Making do makes u appreciate all the little luxuries we normally take for granted. I want that little place for me and the Hubbs when the kids get out, yes out, I mean that with love of course.

  7. As always, you are such a good homemaker!

  8. Ahhh, this house stinks of charm!!! I love it, and it even has a porch! How wonderful to have less square footage to clean, you will have so much more time to sew and to think of many more fun ways to be crafty! Your family is going to make so many found memories in this house. Just think of it as a rental "vacation" house, a place to just have fun :D

  9. I think it's a lovely home!! I adore the front , I hope you make many happy memories there!(even if you are only there for a short time!)

  10. What a cute house! I love historic homes. We're renting a house right now and I've been trying to do little things to make it feel like home. Enjoy your house, looks like you have lots of lovely outdoor space.

  11. Chris you obviously have some great friends out there that see the wonderful things in every situation. You are very blessed. :)

  12. Quite a change from your previous home but I love that it's so quaint, cozy & old. You might be smashed in there like sardines at the moment but just pretend you're all on vacation in some tiny, cozy cabin in the mountains. :) I love that you've taken the time to "Chris" it up a bit and make it feel like home. Enjoy this little chapter!


    P.S. Brave to put carpet in a kitchen, don't you think? My grandparents had it too. Do you know how nasty my floors would be by now? I think of all the juice spills, food flung from the highchairs. Oye.

  13. Love that you gave us a little tour, Chris. I think it's charming. Keep reminding yourself... it's cozy, but it's not forever. Hang in there :)


How sweet of you to stop by. Kind words are always welcome.