19 August 2011

County Fair Parade

My children have looked forward to the county fair parade since we attended last year.  We even had the same awesome seats we had last year...thanks to dedicated aunties!  What fun to sit with beloved cousins and vie for candy.

I thought I might share some of my favorite moments.  Of course we had our share of rodeo royalty:

I loved this little caballero on his pony.

Local heroes.

And the most creative dresses...made from newspapers!  Courtesy one of our local weekly newspaper companies.

My kiddos enjoyed all the freebies handed out.

Although the fire trucks were a bit loud...

...and the occasional scuffles over candy caused a bit of contention...

...a grand time was had by all.  Afterwards, we enjoyed a picnic with all the cousins.  It is so nice to be close to family again.  I've learned something about myself since last year...I really am a small town girl at heart, who married a definitive country boy.

What fun do you have planned for the weekend?


  1. We watched Groundhog Day for the zillionth time at the weekend - remember that film? And we chatted about how lovely small-town American life is!! This is exactly how I imagine it to be!! Funny to see it outside Hollywood's impressions!


  2. Small towns are the best... and local parades are very cool! Glad you had a great time!

  3. Oh we used to have parades like that in my town back in the day! I even rode my horse in it many times. But now, it has become more about politics and marketing so the small town feel of it all is long gone. Love the newspaper dresses!

  4. I love family traditions like this! Those ponies are beautiful! Our fair is in November, can't wait!

    (the Libertay Tax Service crown is a hoot!, how fun).

  5. smiling. i luv traditions with family, they make the best memories (even the scuffles).


How sweet of you to stop by. Kind words are always welcome.