06 December 2010

Scripture Christmas Tree, keeping Christ in Christmas

Another tradition I brought with me when Wes and I were married is having a Scripture Tree.  When my brothers and I were children, my mom fashioned simple ornaments with scriptures describing Jesus Christ.  She illustrated each scripture with either a small picture or an actual small token like a mini light.

I wanted to keep things a little more simple, and when I found these metal tags in the stationary section of the store, I found my solution.

I searched the topical guide of my scriptures and found several different, (some not so well known) names that refer to Jesus Christ.  On one side, I printed the name, such as Savior or Good Shepherd, and on the other the corresponding verse of scripture where the name is found.   

For our first family home evening of December, we decorate our Scripture Chrirstmas Tree. We also place on it special olive wood ornaments I purchased when I studied in the Holy Land many years ago.

Around the base of the tree is a traditional head scarf for women, also found on my trek through the Holy Land. 

In our new home, the tree is in the entry, so that each time we enter our home we can have a special reminder of what Christmas is truly about. 

For those who may be interested, here is a list of the names and corresponding scriptures:
Savior......................Luke 2:11
Good Shepherd........John 10:14
Only Begotten..........John 1:14
Lamb of God...........John 1:29
Light of the World....Psalms 27:1
Redeemer................Job 19:25
King of Israel...........John 1:49
Bread of Life............John 6:35
Cornerstone..............Ephesians 2:20
Creator.....................2 Nephi 9:5
Mediator...................2 Nephi 2:28
Example...................2 Nephi 31:16
Rock.......................Helaman 5:12

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AND Blue Cricket Designs, and Someday Crafts' Christmas Tree Lane.
Join  us Saturdays at tatertotsandjello.com for the weekend wrap up    party!

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  1. Thank you! I am looking for ways to make Christmas fun for the kids Christ centered but not so consumer focused. I love it. Where did you get the wood ornaments?

  2. @JacquelineThe wood ornaments are from the Holy Land. I studied there many years ago. I've seen them sometimes in Christian bookstores. Maybe even try an internet search.

  3. Beautiful and love your metal rings.

  4. Chris, what a great idea!
    Jacqueline, I've seen ornaments like that sold by Ten Thousand Villages. I've seen them at stores that focus on fair trade things. http://www.tenthousandvillages.com/

  5. This is so great Chris. I almost forgot to tell you that we used your Symbols of Christmas for family home evening the other night. THANKS!

  6. Great idea! My kids are so focused on what expensive gifts they want right now. I think it would be good for me to give them a physical reminder of why our family celebrations this wonderful holiday.

  7. A beautiful approach to decorating the tree. I've done something similar - I've got name ornaments and Jesse Tree style ornaments.

  8. I love this. I just did a christmas scripture a day in one of our other advents. This is a darling idea though. I love Christmas.

  9. I love this - it is what we are working on this year!

  10. I love this Chris. I immediately recognized those olive tree ornaments. I plan to about our trip to Israel tomorrow so you may recognize something. Blessings, KJ

  11. I love traditions like this, Chris.

    I found an advent candle this year that you burn down a bit each day. It has Jesus' names like these or each section of the candle so you can think about one each day.


  12. I LOVE this. I might have to copy this idea for a friend who said she has no ornaments for her tree as they all got taken out of her storage unit last year. So awesome. And meaningful. And simple. And cute.

  13. that is a great idea! I love your ornaments too!

  14. We do this also and it is such a great way to teach the little ones the true meaning of Christmas.
    Your wooden ornaments are beautiful, btw. :)

  15. Thanks! http://emilyscraftblog.blogspot.com/2010/12/christmas-scripture-ornaments.html

  16. catching up after the christmas break...this is a great idea for next year!

  17. I love this Chris! Will you link up with Creative Me Monday too?


How sweet of you to stop by. Kind words are always welcome.