11 November 2010

Symbols of Christmas Guest Post

Hi there.

Technical glitch, the guest post I wrote for Tasha's Handmade Christmas Series is up a little early.  Head on over to read all about it.


Also, because it went live a little early, the link to the templates doesn't work yet.  You can get link to the templates here:


The original tutorial will always be available on Tasha's blog, and will eventually be published here too.  I have now published a 21 page PDF file with better templates, some editing to the original printable, and LOTS of pictures.  It will help making an ornament set even easier!  Hop on over to the new PATTERN SHOP and purchase your own copy.   I hope you will understand and support the effort it took to put it all together.  

Linked to Just a Girl, Freckled Laundry, Tatertots and Jello, and Along for the Ride, and Be Different, Act Normal, and Fine Craft Guild.

Fine Craft Guild


  1. what a sweet little project! is it meant to go with the "teach the children" story?

  2. @Lei
    Lei, I condensed the symbols from several sources and simplified it for my family, and then realized it would be fun to share with others. I hope they are received well.

  3. I love homemade ornaments. When my daughters were still at home, we'd get out the crafting supplies and start working the day after Thanksgiving. Great for the kids!

  4. I love your idea! It just feels really good. Thanks for the upcoming tutorial.

    OK. I am inspired to invite you to come link up with us, so our readers can love you too: http://www.finecraftguild.com/diy-craft-tutorial-linky-party-20/

    Every Wednesday there will be a new party, so bookmark our home page and you can come back over and over again with great ideas and tutorials.

    We look forward to showing your work.

    Have a happy day!

  5. You are being featured TODAY!


    To give you some extra exposure, I’m combining featuring you with this week’s DIY craft tutorial linky party, which obviously also opens today.

    So when picking up your 'I'm featured' badge, you could take a new project along and show of your talents, again and again.

    We love to showcase your tutorials and at time, feature your work. It’s excellent!

    http://www.FineCraftGuild.com/diy-linky-party-21/ will be up in an hour.

    Have a craftful, happy day, Rose

  6. @Rose :: FineCraftGuild.com
    I'm so pleased that you included my project, Rose. It has great personal significance for me and my family, and I hope it does for others as well.

  7. I came over from 12 Crafts...

    I love that you have the PDF for us! I just saved it, though I am really hoping to win the set you made bc I just don't have time this year! It's awesome though! Have you considered adding an angel? As a kid (not in a Christian home) I thought the angel was a secular add on...but it's not!

  8. I love this project! It would be fun to use it this year and giving Christmas MUCH more meaning! Thank you for sharing!

  9. You're a freckled favorite this week, Chris. I LOVE this!!!



How sweet of you to stop by. Kind words are always welcome.