08 November 2010

Keeping myself focused


Staying focused on what needs to be done, what I want to do, and how to get there is tricky...especially with four children to mother and at least minimal housekeeping.  I saw this idea for using clipboards to organize a crafty desk area at Ashley's Thrifty Living. Instead of a cork bulletin board, she put up several clipboards over her desk.  I bookmarked the post, and was able to make my own version.

Using white cardstock, some scrapbooking paper I had on hand, and some decoupage medium, I prettied up some cheap clip boards I picked up at WalMart for about $4.

I wanted them to be white so that the paper showed up better.  Plus, cardstock is easier to decoupage if you are in a hurry.

I added some labels to keep myself organized.  "Crafty to do", "Inspiration", and "House projects to do". 

Ready for keeping me more focused as I try to keep up with my to-do list.

Linked to:
Today's Creative Blog, Someday Crafts, and Blue Cricket Design.


  1. Now if only those clipboards could jump off the wall and actually finish the things on the to-do/idea lists for me . . . ;)

  2. that a cool idea! I often have several to do lists going at once-this would sure streamline them....hmm...

  3. Love this idea. I just spent half an hour consolidating about 15 little pieces of paper onto one big list. Now I have one big list with nothing on it done:)

  4. I love it Chris! I feel like I have all of these ideas that are swimming around in my head and they remain "ideas" until I can organize my brain. I think I need a visual reminder too. I'll put the to do clip boards on my "to do" list. Hahaha!

  5. very cool Chris. I love the idea of trying to do this for myself :)

  6. I love your curtains!


  7. I love these re-done clip boards! I've made them into calendars before, and now i"m toying with the idea of making a chalkboard one! I love your collection of them on the wall!


How sweet of you to stop by. Kind words are always welcome.