05 July 2011

Independence Day

I love celebrating the Fourth of July.  I make a lot of effort to respect the freedoms I have been granted, the opportunities that my family is blessed with because of that freedom, and to do what I can to help my children understand their blessings.

We enjoyed some classic American fare yesterday...I even made an apple pie!

There's nothing like popsicles on a hot afternoon.

As the sun started to set, we got the kids warmed up for fireworks with pop-its and glow snakes.

At dusk, we started our own little fireworks display.  The most striking thing to me was hearing all the booms around the valley of different fireworks being set off.  It reminded me of the amazing struggles our troops have been and continue to be in.  God Bless the USA.


  1. It looks like a delightful day with just those closest to your heart...

  2. Love the photos! I made a blueberry pie, and we've already eaten all of it!

    I hope you have a great week.

  3. Sounds like a wonderful day, Chris. I love snakes... I haven't bought any in years. I think we need to find some next year :)

  4. Beautiful photos of your family. Your pie looks wonderful, what an amazing colour on that crust - the perfect way to celebrate.


How sweet of you to stop by. Kind words are always welcome.