10 June 2011

Patchwork of Another Sort

I mentioned how things have been crazy.  More details to come...but for now I'll show you one of our many projects lately.

A few weeks ago 6 pallets of sod were delivered to our house.  We worked hard hand digging trenches to install sprinklers earlier this spring, and now it was time to get the grass growing.  The delivery truck was supposed to come to our house last...we ended up being the first stop.  It wasn't even 1pm, and Mr. Pickup wouldn't be home until after 6pm.  So, it was up to me to get as much done as I could before the sod dried out.  Once Baby was down for her nap, Little Boy and I got our work gloves on and dug in.

Here's our side yard before sod.

Getting there:

I got 2 pallets down before the older children got home from school.  We quickly finished after Mr. Pickup arrived home.

Although it was dirty, exhausting work, there is something so satisfying about seeing instant lawn.  I highly recommend it over a weed-filled backyard.

On a personal note, thank you for all your prayers for my parents.  We were miraculously able to get my dad into a specialist that was booked out until mid summer.  Mom made it through her surgery yesterday with flying colors.  My parents have a long road to go, but there are definite good things going on.  These tender mercies are great reminders that God does know us, and is answering prayers.  Thank you.


  1. There is nothing quite like GORGEOUS grass! I love it. Looks great.

  2. That looks SO great Chris! Yay for green (and for you and all your hard work too)!

  3. Oh, that will be so nice when it is all down! Enjoy!

  4. i am so jealous! i would love to get sod!

  5. that's what we're working on in our backyard too! And when I saw we, I mean Rory. You are awesome for doing a lot of that work yourself!

  6. I'm jealous too! Looks beautiful! Glad to hear the good news about your parents!

  7. Gorgeous. I am so impressed you got almost all of it done before your husband even got home. We are in the middle of planting grass. IT is slowly coming up. That looks MUCH more fun :)

    I am glad to hear of the tender mercies with your parents. Prayers to you and them.

  8. What an enormous project! I am so impressed. Outdoor work is such hardwork, but when it's completely you feel such a wonderful sense of pride. Amazing work and I am so happy to learn about these milestones in your parents' lives. Happy Weekend Chris!

  9. The sod looks fantastic, Chris. You did a great job. Such a big project. Also glad to hear of some good news for your family :)


How sweet of you to stop by. Kind words are always welcome.