14 March 2011

Shabby Apple Winner

Hi dear friends.  I'm so happy to have had the chance to offer the Shabby Apple giveaway.  I kept it strictly for those who read my blog, and it was so fun to have some of you comment!  I am thrilled to offer something fun to let you know how much I appreciate each of you.

I just ran the numbers, and random.org picked....drum roll, please....
Number 55, a dear bloggy friend, Tasha!

(Remember I wrote a guest post for her Handmade Christmas series, and that was the beginning of the Symbols of Christmas pattern.)

She's won this gorgeous dress:

I'm so happy for her!
Remember each of you can use the discount code pickup10off to receive 10% off your order.
p.s.  Stop in tomorrow for my big announcement!


  1. Congrads Tasha! Such a lovely dress! :)

  2. NO STINKIN WAY!!!! I cannot even believe. I think I nearly just fell out of my chair. You just totally made my day :) (And I am having a good one too.) I am so excited. Thanks Chris!


How sweet of you to stop by. Kind words are always welcome.