15 November 2010

Gifts for kids

My older kids were invited to birthday parties recently.  I went to some of my favorite tutorials for inspiration. 

The first gift was whipped up in 20 minutes.  My son was invited to his friend's 10th birthday celebration, and I forgot until right before it was time to go.

Made with Anna's Lil Cutie tutorial, and stuffed with extra Halloween candy.  Bonus!  Fabric scraps from my boys' 2009 Christmas jammies

For my daughter's friend, I made some hair accessories.  First up, a headband using Cally's Easy Headband Tutorial

I loved the green and turquoise combination.

I also made clippies, a new design I came up with:

Ruffled flowers, made from gathered ribbon and a yellow button for the center.  Sewn onto green felt with snappy clips tucked inside.  This tutorial from A Hoot and a Holler was helpful on making snappy clips.

Linked to Today's Creative Blog, and Blue Cricket Design, and Fine Craft Guild.


  1. I love that you made a zipper bag in 20 minutes!!! It takes me that long to cut material ;-)

  2. Great ideas! I love the little wallet...and so would my kids:)

  3. Love the zipper pouch full of candy idea. Great gift! Really love the fabric. The hair accessories are super cute, too!

  4. Zippers make me shudder...but the bag is cute.

  5. Okay, I'll come out and say it...I'm afraid of zips! Not the ips themselves, you understand (that would be too weird!) but sewing them in to things.

    Your gifts look gorgeous.

    By the way, after your gorgeous email about adding writing on pictures with Picassa (thabnk you so much for taking the time to tell me), I downloaded it and fiddled about and ending designing a new header for Modern Country Style so THANK YOU!!

    You really gave me the extra confidence I needed to do it on my own!


  6. I gave you a trendy blog award: http://jsknowlton.blogspot.com/2010/11/trendy-blog-award.html. -Shonda

  7. I love making kid gifts like these. Very cute.

  8. Wow you are fast! That bag would have taken me FOREVER!! Great Job!

  9. Great gifts - i love the 'candy' bag

  10. Great ideas for last minute gifts! Oh so cute too! Thanks for sharing. Fun to see your link over at Blue cricket. ;o)

  11. I love the little bag! Great job!

  12. Wow, that's not one but 3 free tutorials and great project pix for inspiration. Thank you.

    Thank you too for linking it up at the DIY CRAFT TUTORIAL LINKY PARTY with us.

    Hope to see you back next Wednesday if not before that with more great ideas & tutes.


How sweet of you to stop by. Kind words are always welcome.