23 September 2010

Jump Rope Dresses

Before I packed up my sewing gear and treasures, I had to finish one more project...dresses for my girls.  I had wanted to make the Oliver + S Jump Rope dress pattern for fall, and the Sew Mama Sew Sew-Along was extra motivation.  This is also my only contribution to Elsie Marley's Kids Clothes Week Challenge.  I just couldn't get moved in enough this week to do more.  :)

The fabric is Anna Griffin that I bought on sale last winter.  Originally I thought I might make Easter dresses with it, but it was heavier than I planned on, so fall was a better choice.  The contrast fabric was one I found at our local fabric store.  I loved the vintage feel of it.  The diaper cover was made using Dana's tutorial and pattern.  

The dresses felt a little too plain, so I thanks to Destri's motivation, I designed some posies to go in the pockets.

I appliqued and embroidered the designs before I added the sleeves.  You can see the blue marks indicating where the pockets belonged.

For baby's dress, I added a butterfly because she is so enamored with butterflies now.  Notice how I centered the appliques so the dots on the fabric became the flower's center?

Here's Baby trying her dress on the day I finished it.

The best part?  She kept pointing to the flowers and butterfly and saying, "Cute!  I gike it!"  (Translation, gike=like.) 

Here are my girls sporting their new dresses before church a few weeks ago:

Linked up to Just a Girl, and Creation Corner, A Few of My Favorite Things, and Kojo Designs.


  1. Those are beautiful! You are so talented.

  2. WOW!! Those are so GREAT!!! LOVE them!!


  3. Darling. I love how they turned out. And love the hand embrodery too.

  4. Those are so cute! I love the way you put the flowers on them!

  5. These turned out great Chris!

  6. adorable! I love the embroidery above the pockets-it adds the perfect touch!

  7. Oh my goodness Chris, those turned out really cute!

  8. SO PRECIOUS! Your girls and their dresses!



How sweet of you to stop by. Kind words are always welcome.