06 September 2010

How to pack up a house with children?

I'm in the middle of packing up our household for the big move.  It's a struggle with four little ones to keep life somewhat normal.  I finally gave up.  Case in point.  My family room the other day.

I let the children build a fort out of the couches, and some of their blankets.  Love the cheesy smiles?  Me too.  At least they are being creative.


  1. How cute!!! You know that they'll remember being able to do this!!!! So super cute!!! :)

  2. So fun! We do that even when we aren't packing. ;) If we were neighbors, I would tell you to send them over here for a couple of days. ;)

  3. Oh I can feel your pain and you have 4!! We did it with 2 and I was going crazy!

  4. Oh, they're having too much fun! My kids would ride the cushions like horses.

    Packing up?! What a job!!!

  5. This must be 100 life stress points! I hope everything goes smoothly. In our house, couches are made for forts, not sitting :)


How sweet of you to stop by. Kind words are always welcome.