14 August 2010

Sewing 101 Giveway Winner!

Congratulations, #80!  You're the winner of the Sewing 101 Giveaway, thanks to random.org.  

True Random Number Generator 113 80  
Powered by RANDOM.ORG
You are the lucky winner, my dear.  Please email me :: burleyaudio (at) gmail (dot)com:: asap so we can arrange shipping these fun things to you.  
Thank you everyone who entered.  I've never had so many comments at one time.  You said so many kind things, I am humbled and tickled all wrapped into one. 
Stay tuned for more craft ideas, more family fun and creativity, and more tutorials in the future.  
Hugs to each of you!


How sweet of you to stop by. Kind words are always welcome.