18 August 2010

My own little chair

I share creating space in the office that adjoins the living area in our home. We took the backing off the desk, and my machine sits opposite the laptop most of the time. I used the piano bench to sit and sew, because moving around the desk chair was not always amenable.  My baby loved the piano bench because I'd sit on it sideways and there was plenty of room for her to climb up and hang on my neck, monkey style, to watch me sew.

That's all a thing of the past, now. I have my own little chair. She arrived looking a little worn and very dark.

 Thanks to a few cans of white spray paint and a very sore thumb, she looks like this:

To get her to this height of beauty, I spray painted her white without any primer.  It took several coats.  Then I sanded the edges so you could see some dark peeking through.

There were those cool grooves that were crying out for some color, so I pulled out the same paint I used in my laundry room and added some accents of aqua.

I also made the chair pad.  If you'd like to see how I did it, I'll throw together a basic tutorial for you.  I repurposed the old mattress for my girls' doll crib with some extra padding, then made a cover with turquoise piping and long ties for a dramatic bow.

Isn't she fun?  I have been so happy to have my own chair, finally, and my older daughter doesn't have to worry about me taking the piano bench anymore.

Linking up to Someday Crafts, Creation Corner, Tatertots and Jello, Along for the Ride, and Be Different...Act Normal, and C.R.A.F.T.

Featured on Creation Corner.

Submitted to the CSI Turquoise challenge.
Visit thecsiproject.com


  1. It looks great! I love the fabric you chose for the cushion.

  2. Cute chair...I do really love that cushion too. Enjoy.

  3. Wow, Chris. You have been sooo busy. Didn't you just move? I am way impressed. Hey, I meant to tell you that I have a sister there. I'll send you a picture and if you see her on the street somewhere, you can stop her, lol!

  4. I love the colors, they're so bright and welcoming! (can a chair be welcoming?) :) Great job!!!

  5. Chris, I love your workspace and of course your little chair. Great job!

  6. Hi - love finding this idea to improve the chair in your space. My space is tiny and boring (think Ikea) so will pinch your idea. I am a new blogger and new crafter at annabelleserendipity.blogspot.com and have recently posted my space so this was a lucky find for me. Thanks for the inspiration.

  7. I love, love to see artist's work spaces. Your chair is adorable. Here is the link to my studio...total chaos.

  8. That chair is awesome! The chair in my sewing room is uber jealous.

  9. When I saw your title my first thought was "in my own little corner, in my own little world." From the musical version of Cinderella! LOL! So cute! It really is perfect for your own little corner! Great job!

  10. Very cute! I love the blue accents! Great job!

  11. It is very cute! I am always on the look out for cute chairs for my future mismatched table!

    Thanks for linking up to Show and Tell Saturday!

  12. Great Job! I love your blog and I'm your newest follower! Come by Sassy Sites and say HI!

    Marni @ Sassy Sites

  13. Really cute! The colors in my studio are green and blue...it would look fabulous in there! I am off to find and old chair. Thank you so much for sharing.
    I love being a part of this show and tell!

  14. Hi Chris! This is one cute chair! Thankyou for the Feliz CumpleaƱos! Hug, Clau

  15. Oh my word it is adorable. I was just thinking the other day I want to go look at DI or other thrift stores and find a cute chair I can make to fit my sewing area. This turned out adorable. Somehow I thought I alreday left a message...but I guess not. Thank you for linking it up. It really did make my day. You are constantly inspiring me.

  16. Very fun and VERY cute! Love the colors, Chris.

  17. love the chair! I don't know how I missed your last few posts...oh well...cute stuff!!

  18. So cute! Yes, yes, yes, I'd love to see your tutorial on the chair pad. I'm actually thinking it would be perfect for my dormer window chair.

    Thanks for sharing and I saw you at TheCSIProject where I linked up too.


  19. You have a great workspace here. The chair is too cute!!! :)

  20. What a cute little chair, Chris! I'm just loving it! :) You did a great job with that paint -- and the cushion's cute too!

  21. It is very cute! You did a great job and I love the fabric you used.


How sweet of you to stop by. Kind words are always welcome.