30 August 2010

First Day of School

We have a little tradition in our family of having cinnamon rolls for breakfast.

Sometimes you just need a little extra frosting. 

Then we always take a photo before school starts.

What fun traditions do you have in your families?


  1. Mmmm, cinnamon rolls sound like a yummy breakfast tradition to me! Yum yum yum. I would want that spoon full of frosting too :)

    I started this year doing a fun outting the night before when we got to find out who their teachers are. We go for ice cream or something small, but fun. Then on the day of we take a picture with the kids holding up how many fingers for what grade they are in for school (1 for 1st grade, 3 for third grade, etc.) Kind of fun. A good breakfast sounds like a fun idea to me though...or maybe a fun after school snack. Happy back to School to you.

  2. Those cinnamon rolls looks absolutely delicious ... one of my weaknesses. Looks like your littlest punkin pie needed some extra icing. She's going to be lonesome with everyone else back in school!

  3. that's funny that Tasha commented too. We also went with Tasha to get ice cream cones this year. We are going to have that as our tradition every year. We also take pics the morning of. :)

  4. We do a nice pancake or french toast breakfast, always with a picture. At least that's how it was for me growing up. My oldest just started Kindergarten so I'm not sure if it's considered a tradition if it's a first for my little one? :)

  5. Since we homeschool, we do school in our pajamas every Monday....and hope nobody knocks on the door!

  6. School doesn't start here for my Sophmore until Thursday and my Cosmetology Girl until next week. Our tradition is a special supper and dessert for each of them on their first day.
    Your rolls look YUMMY!

  7. These look delicious! What a great tradition!

  8. Your children are precious! And you're such a good mom to let them have extra frosting, especially on such a big day.


How sweet of you to stop by. Kind words are always welcome.