26 August 2010

Everyone loves a parade

We live in the country in Southern Idaho.  Part of country living is the excitement surrounding the county fair, including the parade.  Thanks to a dedicated aunt and uncle, we had some pretty sweet seats. 

 The parade included lots of horses, which baby loved.

 Local high school cheer teams...Go Declo!

 Vintage vehicles.

 A crazy guy riding his motorcycle on a semi and specially made cage.

 My children's favorite part...folks handing out candy by the bucketfuls. 

And local kiddos showing off their skills.  How would you like to do back handsprings down a 3 mile parade route? 

When we first moved here, I was filled with trepidation.  I had grown up in a large metropolitan area, and was worried about living in a small community.  But, I have grown to love it.  Now we're preparing to relocate.  I got a little misty eyed during the parade.  It is fun to see folks you know and love marching down the road. 


  1. I love parades! Your photos reminded me of the parades in my small town growing up. :)

  2. It looks like so much fun for the whole family. I hope your relocation goes smoothly.

  3. I think parades like this are the best. Sometimes I wish we were in a more small town place. Good luck as you are buying your house and moving. Oh so stressful. Hang in there.

  4. We love parades too! Small world - we live in south-eastern Idaho in a small farming town. They can still throw candy here, but again there are only 10 or 11 floats. :)

  5. small towns are the best ... we hope to raise our kids in one. good luck with the relocation.

  6. that looks like so much fun, I got teary eyed as well, I miss the little town I grew up in. Looking at your pictures brought back so many memories.

  7. It looks like you had so much fun!! Happy belated 4 th :)


How sweet of you to stop by. Kind words are always welcome.